FairyTale School!?

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-Brecklynn's Pov-

We all got pulled into groups based on our grade. Thankfully the whole friend group is the same age. We are all freshmen in college. The director dude who is in charge of everything is telling us what's going on and what we will be doing.

D: "Hey everyone I know everything is crazy right now but we are trying to get everything situated. It would be highly appreciated if you guys could help out by being kind to one another and letting us handle the situation. I'm here to tell you what you will be doing for school. You Freshmen will be going to a school called Auradon prep in the city of Auradon." (Ok ok I know Auradon prep is technically high school but for the storys sake its college also the barrier won't be broken yet and Mal and ben aren't engaged and they aren't even together so uh ya just wait and see i guess lol)

What the heck is auradon!? I think to myself. I have never heard of it in my entire life.

D: "Auradon is definitely different from where we live. Let me explain. I know a lot of you aren't going to believe me but you will see for yourself when you go to school there. Auradon has magic there like fairy godmother is a teacher beauty and beast are king and queen then the kids of all the disney princess and princes-"

W: "Wait so you're telling me that fairy tales are real!?"

D: "Yes, that is exactly what I am saying."

Pfft yeah right. Those stories are all make believe. I think the smoke might have gotten to his brain... The guy eventually finished but if I am being completely honest I think he was making this all up. I guess we will see what this school is all about in the morning but right now I am exhausted and ready for bed.

-The next day-

We are on our way to Auradon prep right now. I am sitting next to Wyatt on the bus. I convinced him to let me have the window seat. He really wanted it but I have a way with words. That was a total lie. I do not have a way with words at all.

As we got closer and closer to Auradon the trees and bushes became more and more green. It honestly looked like we were in a fairy tale. Ok what if this dude wasn't lying and the smoke didn't get to his brain... I grew more and more tired until I eventually just fell asleep laying my head on Wyatts shoulder.

Next thing you know I wake up and we are in front of a huge castle. What the heck... Yup the smoke definitely didn't get to his brain. We all got out of the bus cautiously. None of us had ever seen anything like this before. I have so many questions like is this castle a house?

When everyone got out of the bus we were greeted by some king and 4 kids next to him. They all were very colorful like there was a dude with white hair and he was dressed in all white. Another dude who was wearing a lot of red and brown he also had a beanie on. Then there was a girl dressed in all purple and had purple hair then the last girl was in all blue with blue hair.

???: "Hello everyone Welcome to Auradon prep! I am King Ben and I am really sorry to hear about what happened to your school."

Oh so that's the king dudes name he seems nice... I guess. I look over to see the purple haired girl staring at Wyatt. I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. I know he doesn't know I like him but still.

B: "We are excited to have you here but wish you could be here in better circumstances."

He then looked over to the other four kids and started pointing to them. He first pointed to the boy with white hair.

B: "This is Carlos. He is the son of Cruella De vil. He is nothing like her I promise. Actually all these kids are the children of wicked people but are nothing like their parents."

He then pointed to the boy wearing brown and red.

B: "This is Jay, he is the son of Jafar."

He then pointed to the girl in purple.

B: "This is Mal the daughter of Maleficent."

Then the girl in the blue.

B: "Last but not least, Evie the daughter of the Evil Queen. If you need help around campus at all let any of us know!"

He talked to us a little bit more about the school. We eventually got the full tour and let me tell you this is one of the prettiest places I have ever been. I could honestly get used to living here. The boys and girls dorms are separate like every other school. I don't know why I expected it to be different.

I have already experienced magic and oh my gosh it is so cool! I can't believe that guy was telling the truth. It is honestly going to have to take a lot of time getting used to. That Mal girl has been flirting with Wyatt all day and it's making me really mad. Addi has noticed and helped me to forget about it. She is the only one who knows about my crush on Wyatt. She is the only one I trust with that. I share a dorm room with her and couldn't be happier. Some people don't get along with their sister but I do. In my opinion that is a gift. Today has been a long day so I decided to go to sleep. I can tell that tomorrow is going to be even longer.

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