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-Brecklynn's Pov-

I sighed and started off into the distance thinking about all the fun times here. I also started thinking about my love life. Thinking about if I will ever get another boyfriend and let myself fall in love again. I guess we will have to see where life takes me. I stayed there a little longer and decided it was time to go back to my room. When I turned around I swear I had a mini heart attack. Wyatt was there on one knee. Huh!? What the heck is going on.

W: "I thought you would be here."

He says with a chuckle.

B: "Wyatt what are you doing here?"

He then sighs

W: "Brecklynn I can't lose you. This last week has been the hardest thing I have had to go through. You mean everything to me. I guess when they say you have to lose someone to realize how much you love them they are so true. I love you so much and decided I can't live life without you. Also a promise is a promise right? I promised you one day I would marry you so will you take me back but marry me?"

B: "No.."

W: "What..."

B: "Just kidding! Of course I'll marry you! I love you way too much to not too!"

W: "Don't scare me like that jeez!"

I just laughed then started crying but this time happy tears for once. He first put the promise ring on then the engagement ring. He stood up and gave me a kiss that felt different than any of our other kisses. It had a spark but a much bigger spark. I put my arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug ever. I love him so much.

B: "I love you so much!"

W: "I love you too! So freaking much. Also it does feel right to be here again and I don't plan on leaving."

I screamed and jumped into his arms. Thankfully he caught me... This is the best day in my entire life! I woke up today thinking it was just going to be a normal day. I didn't think I would be engaged today oh my gosh! I pulled my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

B: "Who all knows you are here?"

W: "Actually no one, just you..."

B: "So no one knows you were proposing?"

W: "Nope..."

I started laughing.

B: "I have a good way to tell everyone we are engaged..."

I said with an evil smirk.

W: "It sounds evil so I'm in."

-30 minutes later-

The plan we came up with is funny. I took off the promise ring because everyone knows who that is from but I kept on the engagement ring. Addison and Zed are the first victims. They are currently sitting at a table chatting about who knows what. I walked over there and sat by Addi.

B: "Hey guys whats up?"

I ask putting my hands on the table making the ring visible. Addi noticed right away and her face when from smiley to confused in seconds.

A: "Uhm B... Is that an engagement ring?"

B: "Yea it is! Isn't it pretty?"

I ask like it isn't a big deal.

Z: "Who the heck proposed to you?"

B: "Oh a guy I met yesterday!"

Addi choked on her water that she was drinking and looked at me like I was crazy.

A: "Uhm excuse me what???"

Addison asks me, starting to yell a little bit.

B: "Do you guys want to meet him?"

Z: "Well obviously!"

B: "Ok! I'll go get him!"

I then stood up and ran to Wyatt's hiding spot. I caught him up on how mad Addi and Zed were. He said he was watching and saw the looks on their faces. He had to put his hand over his mouth to keep him from laughing. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over. Addi and Zed were too deep in conversation to notice us walking over. I cleared my throat to get their attention. When they looked over they looked shocked but very relieved.

B: "Zed... Addi this is my fiance Wyatt."

I say with a smirk on my face.

They both got up and hugged Wyatt. Then it dawned on them that we got engaged.

A: "Oh my gosh! You guys are engaged! Congratulations!"

Addi says hugging both of us.

Z: "Yea Congratulations I am so happy for you guys!"

B: "Thank you! It's honestly a dream come true."

A: "I guess your guy's love was strong enough to bring you guys back together!"

W: "Yes yes it was I am so thankful it did though because I can't live without her."

I looked up and smiled at him. I can't believe I am spending the rest of my life with him.

We ended up surprising everyone else. They were so excited to see us back together and actually engaged. They were also excited that their best friend was actually going to be staying in Auradon with all of us. It is honestly crazy to think that we were best friends too scared to tell each other our feelings then dated for a year then broke up and got engaged. We didn't even get back together, we hopped right into marriage.

I can't stop saying the word fiance. It's fun going around and saying my fiance and I are doing who knows what. It's not necessary but like why not. The wedding is going to be so fun to plan! I can't wait!

Are we meant to be? [A Wyatt Lykensen Story]Where stories live. Discover now