It's happening already!?

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-Brecklynn's Pov-(A year and a half later)

It has been a year and a half since me and Wyatt have got engaged. We are halfway through senior year and our wedding is coming up fast. The wedding planning has been so fun yet so stressful. Since then me and Wyatt have had the occasional couple fights but not to the point where we want to break up. Our wedding is next week. It's coming up really fast. Trying to juggle school and planning a wedding at the same time is not easy.

Wyatt and I have not been able to have alone time for the past year. I'm excited because tonight we finally get the night to ourselves and are going on a date. I have been waiting for this for a long time. EEEK I CAN'T WAIT!

-Time skip to the date-

Wyatt ended up taking me to this really beautiful fancy restaurant. We ended up talking about the wedding and how excited we are for our honeymoon to the Bahamas. We also ended up talking about our future. It was the best date I have ever had.

-The Wedding-

It is the day of the wedding and the nerves sure are kicking in. I never mentioned who my bridesmaids and maid of honor is. Well... My maid of honor is obviously Addison. She is my sister and built in best friend. My bridesmaids are Izzy, Evie, Bree, Mal, and Willa. I bet you guys are surprised Mal is one of my bridesmaids. Well we worked everything out and she is now one of my best friends. It's that simple.

Anyways Wyatts best man is Zed. I bet we all saw that coming. His groomsmen are Carlos, Jay, Bonzo, Ben, and Bucky. Yep you heard that right Bucky. No one suspected it to be honest... Don't question it.

It is almost time we are just finishing up the finishing touches. Addison and Mal are finishing my make-up. Evie is fixing up my dress. Izzy is giving me a pep talk, Then Bree and Willa are talking about the after party. It is chaos in here and I haven't seen Wyatt in two whole days that gives me even more anxiety. Everyone is taking this bad luck thing way too seriously...

-Wyatt's Pov-

I haven't been able to see Brecklynn for two whole days. It has been killing me not being able to hold her in my arms. I am currently adding the last few touches to my suit while the boys are being rowdy in the back hyping me up.

I finished the last few touches and I am finally able to walk down the aisle. I walked down the aisle slowly and stood at the end waiting for my beautiful soon to be wife to walk down the aisle. It is just seconds away. I can't wait to hold her in my arms again.

-Brecklynn's Pov-

It is finally time for me to walk down the aisle. The bridesmaids and groomsmen get to walk down first lucky... Willa and Bucky were the first to walk out. They walked down the aisle with linked arms followed by Ben and Mal. Then Bree and Bonzo. Then Eie and Jay. Then Izzy and Carlos. Then Addison and Zed. Then finally me and my dad. The music started playing and everyone stood up. Me and my dad started walking down the aisle slowly.

I made eye contact with Wyatt and immediately started crying. My dad and I got to the end of the aisle. He handed me off to Wyatt. Wyatt grabbed my hands and my dad said to him.

D: "Take good care of her man."

W: "Don't worry sir. I will and always will for the rest of our lives."

My dad smiled then went and stood next to my mom. I handed my bouquet of flowers to Addi and looked Wyatt in the eyes trying not to cry more than I was. He would never admit it but he was crying too.

The marriage officiant told everyone they could be seated. He looked at me and Wyatt and started saying all the boring marriage stuff. He then looked at Wyatt and told him to say his vows.

W: "Brecklynn I want to start off with my promises. I promise to stay by your side till we die. I promise to love you at your worst and help you at your lowest. I love you with all my heart. When we broke up for that one day I realized that I couldn't live without you and I needed to marry you. I guess that break up did do something for us. I love you and can't wait to see where life takes us."

He says and starts crying more as he finishes. Then I started crying more than I was.

B: "Dang it you made me cry more than I was and stole what I was going to say. I will say it again though. Wyatt, I love you with everything in me. You make me so happy and I don't know what I would be doing in my life right now if you weren't in it. I promise to stick by your side through everything. I love you and can't wait to start a new chapter with you."

I think all of my make- up is gone at this point. Everyone stared at us in awe and a lot of people were crying. The Marriage officiant started talking again.

M: "Brecklynn, do you take Wyatt Lykensen to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

B: "I do!"

M: "Wyatt, do you take Brecklynn Wells to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

W: "I do!"

M: "With the power invested in me you are now pronounced husband and wife you may now kiss the bride!"

Wyatt cupped my cheeks and we shared the most passionate kiss we ever have had. I am now Mrs. Lykensen... Woah... 

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