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-Brecklynn's Pov-

After I exited the wolf den I started balling my eyes out. I ended up calling Zed and he was on his way to the wolf den. I sat on a rock as I waited for him. I am really happy Zed is my best friend. He has helped me through a lot. I sat and just cried for about 5 minutes until Zed finally showed up. When I saw him I ran into his arms really fast and gave him a huge hug. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

Z: "B what is going on?"

B: "Me and Wyatt just broke up..."

I somehow managed to say through my tears.

Z: "What!? I was not expecting that one bit, explain please."

As we started walking back home I explained to him everything. I mean every little detail. He was very supportive and a great listener. We finally made it back to my apartment. He came in because apparently Addison was in my apartment and I didn't know so surprise... I guess. I told Addi and she was very supportive too. I then went to bed and let them stay in the guest room because it was pretty late. It's going to be a busy week.

-One week later-

We are all finally packed and headed to Auradon. I don't know if they are expecting us though because they sent that note a couple weeks ago and we are just showing up. It has been a hard week because I am so used to doing everything with Wyatt we were literally never apart but things change I guess.

-3 hours later-

We are finally here! I was the first one out of the bus. I ran into the castle and up to Ben's room. The door was cracked open and I saw Ben, Izzy, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay in there. There was also a girl I didn't recognize. I opened the door a little bit more and leaned on it seeing how long it would take for them to notice me. The first one to notice me was Izzy and her eyes went wide. When everyone saw her expression they all turned to the doorway and had the same expression on their faces.

I: "Oh my gosh Brecklynn! What are you doing here?"

B: "Did you guys really think we weren't going to accept your invitation?"

They all jumped up so fast and ran over to me. Well except for that one girl I didn't know. We all exchanged hugs and maybe shed a tear or too. This is honestly where I belong. It just feels right to be here. After we all caught up a little bit I walked up to the girl I didn't know to introduce myself.

B: "Hi! I'm Brecklynn! I don't believe we have met before!"

I say while holding out my hand. She gave me a shy smile and shook my hand back.

?: "Hi! I'm Stella, daughter of Tiana!"

B: "It is so nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends!"

S: "I would love that!"

We talked for a little bit longer then we decided to go down so they could say hi to everyone else. Everyone was so excited to see each other. They all hugged and had to tell eachother everything. It was honestly great to see.

As we were standing there I saw Izzy looking around confused. She then came up to me and asked me a question I was dreading anyone asking.

I: "B where is Wyatt?"

I sighed and fiddled with my hands a little bit.

B: "He isn't coming. We broke up last week..."

I: "Oh... I am so sorry!"

She says while giving me a big hug.

B: "It's ok... I guess everything happens for a reason!"

I: "Yep that is true."

Everyone finished saying hi and exchanging hugs. We had the same rooms as before. The only thing is Zed is just a lone now because Wyatt isn't here. I was in my room unpacking when I came across a picture of me and Wyatt hugging. We were looking into eachothers eyes. A tear ran down my cheek. I am still so in love with him but we broke up for a reason. I ended up putting the picture on my nightstand next to my bed. That is a horrible idea but I had to.

After I got everything unpacked I went out into the main living room and sat next to Addison on the couch.

A: "Are you done unpacking?"

B: "Yep! You?"

A: "Yep!"

B: "Why are breakups so freaking hard?"

I ask her while laying my head on her shoulder. She then lays her head on my head.

A: "They are always hard for a lot of different reasons but this one was different because you guys loved each other and definitely still do. I don't think you guys realize how much you love each other. The way you guys looked at each other was powerful. I don't know where this is going but I don't know if you guys were ready to break up.

B: "Yea... Also Addi you worded that amazing..."

A: "I was planning this day..."

We just laughed. I decided I was going to go on a walk. I decided to go to the enchanted lake and stand and look off the edge of the little gazebo because there were a lot of memories here and I wanted to think. Oh my gosh this is hard!

Are we meant to be? [A Wyatt Lykensen Story]Where stories live. Discover now