Where is he!?

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-Brecklynn's Pov-

It has been a month and a half since Wyatt left and he still hasn't come back. I am starting to miss him more and more. I have been off lately and I know that myself. Everyone has tried to get me back to normal but it hasn't been working. The worst part about all of this is I haven't even heard from Wyatt. No call no text no nothing. Ben and I have become really good friends though. Him and Zed are my guy best friends then Izzy and Evie are my girl besties. Addison is obviously the top out of all of them because duh she is my sister. I don't know when Wyatt is going to be back but oh my gosh I hope it is soon!

-Wyatt's Pov-

I have been stuck in Seabrook for a month and a half and still have no Idea when I am going to be able to go back. There have been sightings of predators near the wolf den. Will and I have to be here because we are the strangest in our pack. As much as I want to go back to Auradon with all my friends and girlfriend I cant I hope soon though.

-Addison's Pov-

Brecklynn has been a wreck since Wyatt left. I mean the first week she was fine and the longer he was gone it got worse. She hasn't really left her dorm room. The only time she leaves her room is to go to class or to eat. Other than that she is cooped up in her room. It hasn't got to the point where she has stopped talking to us thankfully. She just isn't the same anymore. I know my sister and this is not her.

-Zed's Pov-

Brecklynn is my best friend so I can tell when she is not herself and right now is definitely one of those times. I have been trying all I can to make her herself again but nothing works. I have been trying to contact Wyatt but he won't answer any of my calls or texts. I am going to try to think of more ways and hopefully one of them will work.

-Brecklynn's Pov-

Last night I had a really good night's sleep and I decided that I am going to get up and actually do something today. I can be sad but I don't have to change my whole personality and mood. It's just going to make it worse. I am going to get up, get changed, take a nice shower and surprise everyone with my bubbly self again.

First I got up out of bed, made it of course then walked to my bathroom. I got in the shower washed my hair, got out then got changed. I then blow dried my hair and curled it because I haven't done it in awhile. I then walked out of my bathroom and out of my dorm room. Everyone was sitting in the living room talking. They didn't even notice me walk out of my room. It sounded like they were thinking of some plan to get me out of my room. I walked out and sat on the floor in an empty spot so that I was in the circle.

B: "So what are we doing today!"

I ask with a huge smile on my face. Everyone looks at me in shock wondering why the heck my whole mood just randomly changed and that I actually looked ready for the day.

Z: "Uh B... Why did your whole mood just suddenly change?"

I: "And you're actually ready for the day?"

B: "Well I got to thinking that I can't let him being gone affect my whole mood so I decided I can be sad but it shouldn't affect my whole mood. So here I am all ready for the day and ready to actually do something today."

Ben: "That's the spirit! We all love this Brecklynn!"

A: "Yes we do and I am glad my sister is back!"

Addi says while coming over and hugging me. I hugged her back then eventually everyone came over and gave me hugs. Which I gladly hugged back because I love hugs. They are my favorite thing ever!

We all decided that we are going to hang out at the enchanted lake because I really need to get outside. Also a nice swim sounds really nice right now. We all got changed and met up by the stairs to get up to the dorms. We then all finally started walking to the enchanted lake. When we got to the enchanted lake there were rose petals on the bath to the little gazebo in the middle of the lake. Aw looks like someone has a date that's adorable. Addison started following the rose pedals and I was very confused.

B: "Addi, why are you following the petals? Zed is clearly right here..."

A: "I don't know, I am just curious what is over there. You should come with me."

B: "Oh ok sure why not I am a little curious too."

Me and Addi started walking over to it. I ran in front of her because me and her have always been competitive. I didn't realize she wasn't behind me anymore. Until I was at the gazebo. There was a really cute little picnic with a lot of really good looking food. I then look over to see a sign that says turn around. Whoever planned this had some really cute ideas. I don't know if we should be here because whoever has this date planned probably doesn't want us ruining the surprise. I decided to turn around to tell the others that we should probably go so we don't ruin this date. When I turned around I was shocked this surprise wasn't for some random girl it was for me...

Are we meant to be? [A Wyatt Lykensen Story]Where stories live. Discover now