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-Brecklynn's Pov-

Wyatt and I rented out a limo for us and all of our friends to take us to the after party. When we got there everyone started partying immediately. If you give everyone sugar when they are all together it gets hectic. It's kind of hard to be crazy when you are in a twenty pound wedding dress that you have to carry around everywhere. I made it work though.

After a little bit more partying it was time for Wyatt and I to cut the cake. He held the knife and I wrapped my hand around his hand and we started cutting the cake. We cut out the perfect triangle and fed each other. Everyone cheered and usual. After that Zed hopped on to the microphone to say something.

Z: "Can we have the bride and groom come on to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife?"

Wyatt grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck and we started swaying. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. We both leaned in and kissed. We pulled away and just enjoyed each other's company. He then said.

W: "Brecklynn Lykensen... I could get used to that."

B: "I could too. It already feels natural."

I say with a smile. He smiled back at me. All the couples started migrating to the dance floor and started dancing as well. Wyatt twirled me and brought me to his chest. This is the best night ever.

About an hour after our first dance as husband and wife someone started talking on the microphone and I looked over to see Addi there.

A: "First off I want to say congratulations Brecklynn and Wyatt! I am so happy for the both of you! Wyatt thank you so much for being amazing to Brecklynn! I am so excited to have you as my brother in law. Brecklynn I love having you as my twin sister. We are an unstoppable duo. I wouldn't want anybody else as a sister! I'm lucky to have you and I love you so much!

I teared up a little. I love Addi so much. I couldn't ask for a better sister either.

Z: "Congratulations you two. Brecklynn I thought I always thought I was going to get married before you... I even made a bet with Ben but here we are and it looks like I lost..."

B: "You guys bet on me!?!?"

Z: "Yes but that is not the point. Anyways Brecklynn you are like a sister to me. I am glad to have you and Addi in my life. I feel like I need to protect you both with my life. That brings me to my next point. Wyatt if you hurt her your dead end of story."

I started laughing along with everyone else. Everyone went around and shared funny memories that I am never going to forget. This is one hundred percent the best day of my life.

About two hours later everything started dying down and it was time for me to throw my bouquet. I was getting ready to throw it. I then turned around and ran to Addi and gave it to her.

B: "Turn around."

I whispered. Zed was there on one knee. We have been planning this for so long oh boy you don't even know. I looked up at Addi and there were tears streaming down her face. Ah this is a great night.

After the proposal me and Wyatt ran to the car and got in. We then headed to a little cottage to get changed then head to the airport to be on our way to the bahamas. Best night ever!


That brings us to where we are now. Me and Wyatt are still happily married. It's a couple years later and we have built a beautiful house here in Auradon. We now also have four little werepups and another one on the way. Everyone else has gotten married and has children of their own. They all still live here in Auradon like the rest of us and we are all still very close. We try to get together at least once a month.

Me and Wyatt did have our ups and downs. We still do have those occasional fights but that's what makes our relationship stronger. I am glad we broke up that one night or we probably wouldn't be here now. I am so happy with the life I have. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. My life wasn't perfect and that's a good thing. If life was perfect and we didn't have challenges life would be a lot more boring and crappy. That also means changing it would change my whole story. This isn't the end of the story, it's just the beginning of a lot more stories bound to happen and I can't wait to see where the future takes us. It's going to be crazy but I'm all in for it. -The End

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