세 :: chapter III

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Dresses after jeans after shirts after tops, to say the least, Jeongguk was exhausted.

But he enjoyed it as much as it was a hustle wearing different sets of clothing just for Taehyung to pass him his usual quirky comment once he'd walk out like a model walking on a ramp or either pose for the camera Taehyung would put up using his phone.

For once Jeongguk felt free. Not the kind of freeness where he was able to do anything but that type of freedom where there's nothing on his mind and fuck, for once he's not thinking about anything.

Not the consequences of what may happen if they couldn't ever find a way out or how his unpredictable feelings for Taehyung could take a shape into something he wasn't ready to name, yet.

There's nothing on his mind apart from his image he's seeing in the mirror and behind him, there's Taehyung who's repeatedly snapping his photos.

And there's this big smile on both of their faces that for once Jeongguk could confidently label it as happiness.

There wasn't any lie in it because he was happy. And it's this moment where he realised just how big of an idiot he was every time whenever he was with Taehyung. How illogical they could get in a snap of a second or how far their lips stretched making them look like a complete fool or how...just how well they got along despite all their odds.

It's this moment where he realised how well Taehyung was acquainted with this sudden adrenaline rush and stomach aching from all those wild laughter he emitted with so much ease which somehow did amaze Jeongguk in every way.

Jeongguk saw Taehyung's mouth opening and soon closing just as he stepped out wearing his last chosen outfit for the day. (Well, Taehyung helped him in choosing it)

And it didn't help him in settling all those animals making a living zoo inside his stomach.

"God," Taehyung repeated like last time, feeling his brain freeze for just a minor second because literally, god, was he having a brain seizure?

"I can scream into this world that you...you are literally so beautiful but unfortunately no one would be there to hear my screams and shouts. It'll all be gone into a void."

Jeongguk chuckled, "Is it that nice?" He asked, his voice near a whisper as he struggled to keep his skirt in place, slightly pulling it down to cover his mid thighs.

"Are you kidding me? I just rambled a whole lot paragraph about how beautiful you are and you're still questioning yourself?"

Jeongguk bit his lower lip, cheeks turning crimson by the second he forced himself to look into other's chocolaty brown eyes. And all he saw was a smile so bright, so endearing and so full of...full of Taehyung.

Just Taehyung and nothing else.

It's funny how only in a few hours Taehyung was able to make him laugh, smile or even for once left him questioning his own sanity because well, to put it in simpler words Jeongguk had all sorts of butterflies in his stomach.

And that made him think he had only gone crazy.

"Let's get you to try some outfits as well." Jeongguk said at last despite his burning throat while trying to ignore the redness invading his cheeks.

Taehyung casted him a twisted look, "But my clothes are all fine." The younger rolled his eyes.

"It's not like we get to do this everyday. And I might want to see you too in clothes which doesn't make you look like an old grandpa."

The elder scoffed, nonetheless gave in to Jeongguk's request.

"Let me show you how much of a fashionable person I am. You, wait here." Jeongguk demanded, his skirt prettily swaying along his steps when he skipped to the men's section while Taehyung chose to wait for his return.

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