네 :: chapter IV

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Jeongguk was potentially cooking, in an expensive restaurant with cheap ingredients they had bought hours ago from the same convenience store they had happily ruined.

And yes, it was Taehyung's idea.

Within the range of things they could do, Taehyung had suggested they should firstly eat something so as to feed the hungry dinosaurs residing in their stomachs- his exact words.

And he didn't know under all the normal things one does for a simple task such as eating, Taehyung would drag him to an insanely expensive restaurant and request him to cook since he doesn't know how to.

He did volunteer to help though. But Jeongguk had to admit that he sucked at it too and as much as it was disheartening breaking it up to him after seeing how enthusiastically he was trying to cut the vegetables with the opposite end of the knife, Jeongguk had told him to stay put while he'd prepare their dinner.

Taehyung didn't leave even then. He sticked to his side and watched Jeongguk work on several simple dishes the entire time. Once in every five minutes he'd bring him water or would go on and on rambling about anything he thought was funny, even exactly if it wasn't in Jeongguk's opinion.

But despite the fact that his mindless and un-laughable jokes were the last thing Jeongguk wanted to hear, Taehyung's minimal actions did give away the fact that he cared.

He cared enough. And it really was heartwarming, Jeongguk acknowledged it wholeheartedly.

"I really really regret not learning up all these chores, how do you even do this?" Taehyung pouted, and Jeongguk for once wanted to take his face in between his palms and squeeze his cheeks to death.

He was looking cute, okay?

Nonetheless he let out a snort, "You once almost set your kitchen to fire, I can relate why aunt doesn't let you enter her kitchen now. I'd do the same if it was me in her place."

Taehyung gasped dramatically, "Please! I didn't know we do not put steel utensils in microwave, okay?"

"That's not the only problem dude, you literally baked a cake for two hours straight, that too in a steel container and not to forget, in a microwave. I still wonder how it didn't blast off."

Taehyung sulked, "I just wanted to surprise mom on her birthday."

Jeongguk chuckled, "You did surprise her. Very well."

"And I didn't know oven and microwave works differently." Was his another excuse.

"Well, you do know now." Taehyung hummed in response before his eyes lightened up as an idea popped into his brain.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

Jeongguk frowned in confusion, "Where are you going?" He asked when he saw Taehyung hopping off from the counter.

"Surprise, baby. Wanna make you realise I can do pretty well tasks too." The elder smirked, slightly chuckling on how Jeongguk's face heated up under the said nickname.

He nodded, turning his attention back to the kimchi fried rice he was preparing.

When Jeongguk was sure he had it all prepared, he called Taehyung asking about his whereabouts. It's been half an hour since he had left and Jeongguk had no idea what he was up to.

"Where are you!?" He asked once Taehyung picked up his call.

"You didn't see my message?" Taehyung's tone was whiny yet excited, Jeongguk noticed.

"Yeah, but you texted me to pack all the dishes in a basket. Why do I even have to do that?" And yes, the younger was starting to get frustrated now.

"Do as I say. I'll be there in a minute."

𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 [TK]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat