다섯 :: chapter V

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"What was that!?" Jeongguk visibly shivered, all the while watching Taehyung standing up and soon sprinting over to the parapet as he briefly mapped the overview of the city from their height.

The howling continued for a minute before it went completely silent, almost, once again, numbing the entire city. And the silence was almost dreading, threatening, like an incoming call for trouble.

"Jeongguk, we need to leave. Get up." He nodded, feeling his body slightly shaking from fear.

"T-Taehyung, I-I'm scared." He croaked, his voice small and almost parallel to the falling silence settling amidst their raging heartbeats.

The elder's eyes softened as he crouched down to the other's level and caressed his cheeks in the form of a reassurance.

"Hey, I'm here." Taehyung, quite unexpectedly sweeped him into his arms, leaving Jeongguk to question about his strength for a minute.

"It's okay." His sweet whispers sounded like a beautiful hum but that wasn't exactly the time to contemplate over how soft Taehyung looked at the moment or how his voice had this soothing effect when some strange things were happening down the city of which they were very unaware of.

"I-I'm fine, Tae." Jeongguk whispered after a minute relaxing into the elder's addictive scent of rosemary and vanilla, soon standing upright with Taehyung following suit.

While Jeongguk took another minute composing himself and his skirt, Taehyung went to grab his coat lying over the abandoned blanket and by the time he returned, Jeongguk felt something getting wrapped around his waist in a secure hold.

On looking down, he found two calloused hands, belonging to the only person he somehow had grown to adore so much, securely tying knots around his stomach using the coat's sleeves.

The wrapped garment somehow stilling his skirt which had happened to have difficulty staying in place along the wild wind running harsh tendrils through their hair.

"There you go."

In response, Jeongguk smiled idiotically, despite all the weird things lashing onto them like an unleashed maddening bull.

"By the way, where do you think those noises were coming from?" He asked, a bit terrified on recalling how monstrous the howls precisely were, as made their way towards the elevator.

Taehyung seemed to rethink about his opinion for a minute before a shrug was passed along his way, "I don't know. But whatever those noises were, they were terrific. We need to prepare for the worst."

Jeongguk hummed, unknowingly leaning more towards Taehyung in a way making their hands touch just for a minor second and igniting a senseless thought of how warm they might feel around his own.

Only if Taehyung was thinking the same thing but certainly it didn't look like he was when he had this big ass of a frown on his face and he seemed to be deep in thoughts.

Unlike Jeongguk who had his mind running all over the place and was probably pondering about the most stupid thing when in fact he should sincerely be concerned for their life and not for some stupid hand fetish thingy thing.

But damn, Taehyung's hands were so beautiful and all big. And he wondered how they'd feel around his as--yo dude, what the fuck? Ew, where did that even come from?

God, Jeongguk could say all this friendship thing was fucking his brain and cells and fuck, it's fucking him in his ass now.

And he was practically going nuts.

"Jeongguk, you sure you're okay? You're squirming like a kitten on period." Taehyung snickered. And then only he realised he had his thighs rubbing against each other and wait, what the fuck was even happening to him?

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