열셋 :: chapter XIII

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"It doesn't even make sense!" Jeongguk whined for the ninth time, earning several sighs and huffs from others who--he could tell-looked really pissed by his lack of patience.

"What?" He groaned when they tossed him their unusual glares, as if telling him you need to shut up but without actually saying it.

The one thing Jeongguk had ever been pretty decent in was basically reading minds and certainly catching some good phrases such as warnings which people often threw at him through their eyes.

So it wasn't that hard to guess that they didn't look pleased, at all.

"Guys, it's been almost an hour since Jin hyung is trying to switch-on his power. Can't you'll see, he's exhausted."

Jin sighed as he patted the younger's back in a reassuring way, "If we want to survive Jeongguk, we need to keep trying."

Taehyung hummed, "He's right Gguk. That's the only option left for us. And I'm sure nobody here wants to die of starvation."

"That's right." Jimin too stepped into the conversation, making Jeongguk groan, internally.

"Alright but there might be some clues, just anything on how to activate our powers or something, are there any, Namjoon hyung?

The older sighed before shaking his head in exhaustion, "If there were any, I wouldn't have let Jin hyung exhaust himself for nothing."

"Maybe Jin hyung isn't trying enough?" Yoongi interrupted the brief silence.

"I mean, these powers are somewhere within us, leashed. If we really want it to get unleashed, we've to be true to ourselves that we really want it, from heart, not from our made up mind." He further clarified.

Hoseok hummed, "It makes sense."

"Hyung, are you sure you're ready to accept your power once it gets activated?" He further asked, his hopeful eyes narrowing at the male seemingly deep in thoughts, probably pondering about what Yoongi had said earlier.

"I-I don't know. Honestly, I'm scared. What if I couldn't handle it? What if...I'm not enough worthy of my powers?" Jin's lips quivered in the slightest, almost unnoticeable way, his ears then overlapping with a coat of the darkest shade of red from the fear dusting away his built up confidence like a dirt settled on an abandoned desk.

Namjoon's lips stretched into a reassuring smile by the time Jin finished telling them his insecurities, "Hyung," He began while placing his hand over Jin's wide shoulder, "You know, it's not just you. Your power as well has chosen you as its rightful owner. You're destined for it, likewise, you're worthy enough because it's you who's in here with us, as a part of us, and not just anyone."

Jin huffed, a curse leaving past his lips as he nodded, rubbing his forehead to ease the slight pain his nerves cackled up in.

"I want this." He murmured in a self reassuring way but it came out so low that his voice didn't even reach till his ears but rather he felt his lips audibly moving and his words getting lost somewhere into his thoughts overpowering his brain.

"I really want this." He closed his eyes, for having his words seeking the meaning he hopefully worded them out with.

He felt his heart easing up gradually, feeling as if its weight had been reduced a million times and that it's almost negligent. Just pumping, pumping loudly in his ears, drumming in a motive to dance to his favourite music of his heartbeats.

He felt his blood burning, warming, in a good way. In a way, it made him known how far, how fast, and where all it reaches in his body, what all it carries throughout.

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