일곱 :: chapter VII

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Jeongguk felt his head hurt. And yes, this one was bad.

He groaned, feeling some major nerves inside his brain twisting and freezing for a second, and it almost felt like a deja-vu from the time when he woke up realising he's stuck in a weird place.

This time he hoped that need not be the case.

Or so he wished.

Because the second he opened his eyes, he found himself in the middle of a hallway of what seemed like a typical spaceship, like one he always saw in movies.

And he could consider this worse, right?

"Fuck! Am I dreaming?" He mumbled under his breath, hands trembling pathetically once he tried sitting upright.

He leaned against his elbows before crawling backward in order to take the support of the wall to sat up straight, huffing once his back rested against it.

"Where am I?" He breathed, too shallow but deep enough for a reassurance that he was still alive.

"Taehyung." He whispered in realisation, now sincerely frightened out of his wits.

"Taehyung!" He screamed, his voice echoing back to him through the quite hallways, almost sending shivers down his spine. And he just got to know how shitty he sounded at that moment.

And even if a part of him was curious about all this spaceship crap (another word he came up with and that is, spaceshit), he wanted nothing more than to just sleep throughout this fuckery he had been put into and ask someone to wake him up when it's all over.

He knew he was being a coward but its title was far better than shitting your pants every now and then. And he won't mind putting up a tag of it over his own chest if it means he could go back to his normal, though boring, life.

"Fuck!" He cursed, wanting to cry but....why the fuck these tears are not coming out?

Okay, he might not be that scared after all. Because for god's sake he was in a spaceship, GODDAMN SPACESHIP!

And this adrenaline rush wasn't that bad either. It was almost as if he got used to it.

And it felt like a daily dose of serotonin boosting up in his veins. And for the entire day, he kept having this feeling which he wouldn't want to call the best, but on a second note, he'd not say it's worst either.

It's almost subtle. Too complicated but simple enough to probably name it as a change.

A change far enough to shake the living daylight out of his dumb senses but close enough so that he could get adapted to it easily. Almost as if it was meant to be.

Somehow, (with a lot of struggle), Jeongguk got up on his feet with the support of the high-tech wall and simply dragged his body to the direction he thought was accurately correct.

But then he halted in his steps again, soon realising that he wasn't one of those who can just plainly follow their own instincts and make it out to the right place.

Luck was never really on his side after all.

And so, he went to the opposite direction which most likely Taehyung would've taken if he was here.

Oh boy, how suddenly he started missing that unbothered fucker.

And he enacted the same act for almost every hallway he took.

He really, really didn't trust his own instincts anymore after that one time he got bitten by a dog (he still loathed with all his might) for taking a shorter but rarely ever used route to his school even when Taehyung warned him not to.

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