Waking up in a Box

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A/N I know, bad title for first chapter, but it will get better, I hope. If you have any input you can tell me. I'll be happy to make changes if it increases your reading experince. Also I'm writing this on a computer so sorry if the paragraphs are long. Thanks!


I have no idea what's happening. I woke up in a dark box with the dim world flashing by. One moment I was fighting a hellhound, and then I just appeared here. Trying to feel my way about the weird moving box, I found some supplies that are nessesary for survival such as water and medicine. Deciding there is no way I can get out of this, I resign myself to sitting in a corner, hugging my knees, waiting for it to stop.

Finally it did, and doors above me opened up into the brightness above. There was a group of about 40 boys staring at me.

Then one of them jumped down and said, "Hi, I'm Newt," in an enduring British accent. He was somewhat short for his what, like 17 years? But he has blond hair and blue eyes, like most of the guys in the Apollo cabin, which just reminded me of my boyfriend, Will.

"Nico di Angelo," I replied. All of them seemed to be shocked, like I wasn't supposed to know my own name or something. "What are you looking at?" I asked anyone in the crowd. But they just kept staring at me like I killed someone. "WHAT???" I demanded.

Finally the guy who introduced himself as Newt replied, "How do you know your last name?" 

"Why wouldn't I? Where am I anyway? Is this some cruel joke by the gods? Just zapping me here with no warning?"

"Okay," Newt said, "Well, your in the Glade. I don't know the answer to any of the other questions. But we'll get you out of the box and I'll give you the grand tour." Before I could protest, he put his strong arms around me and one of the other boys dragged me out.

We went to go eat lunch because it was probably around noon. We had cheeseburgers, which just reminded me of Percy. While we ate, Newt and I asked each other some questions. "So, what are we even doing here?" I asked. 

"We don't really know, all of us came up in that box with the only memory being our name, just like you. But we normally don't know our last name, just our first."

His turn to shoot, "Why are you dressed in long pants, let alone all black. We all came here wearing shorts and in many colors, just not black." He doesn't know anything. He seems to think that I lost my memory. I decided to just play the stupid card, so I don't seem even more of an outsider. I hate being an outsider.  

I said something really smart like, "I don't really know. But what do you guys do here anyway?"  He proceeded to explain, "Well we try to find a way out.

"We kind of made our own little society. We all have jobs of sorts. Some examples are runners, builders, sloppers, baggers, etc. They all have kind of bosses, called keepers. And we only have three rules here: Everyone does their part, no slackers. Never harm another glader. Never leave the Maze, unless your a runner. My question is: Why do you have a weird black sword at your side?"

He saw my sword. No mortal should be able to see that, unless they are clear sighted. Which I'm pretty sure he's not because he doesn't seem to be avoiding the very dangerous and poisonus looking bugs. Which could only mean one thing...... "What do you mean...sword?"

"I mean the very sharp and dangerous looking looking one hanging by your side." Shoot. He actually does see it. I'll have to explain this world to him. 

"Uhh. I'll explain to you later in a more private place." 

"Okay," Newt replied with a curious look on his face, "So, why did you try to deny the fact that you had one?" 

"I didn't try to deny it," I said as I snapped my fingers, controlling the mist. 

"Uhhh greenie, you just did. Shuck it, explain later."

        Word Count: 722

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