Thanks and Sorry

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*Sighs* *Clears Throat* Wow. 655 reads, 14 likes, and 1 comment. I never imagined that one of my stories would have so many people like it. Remember when I was freaking out about like 9? Any who, onto the topic. Sorry. I know I haven't updated in two months, and the last one was a sneak peak, but I kind of lost interest. First there was the Spider-man syndrome: character overload. There were ten people, and I felt like I was just alternating between people who were asking and answering. I had a very loose story line mapped out, and I stopped liking it. Second: I have no idea where this was going. And finally third: school. I know, I know, people always blame it on the fun prison, but it starts in a couple weeks, and I'm always one of those nerds that gets mostly straight A's. When my sister was in the grade I'm going into, all she did was homework, so I'm mentally preparing myself, and getting rid of some of my commitments that I kind of forgot about. Also, I'm going to join, like four clubs, so.... yeah. I don't think I said this yet: As of now, this story is on hold. I need to write a couple of these, so everything is jumbling together. Not saying it's gone forever, just unlikely to return. I told myself I would never do a just author note, so I'll add something. Sorry not sorry.


We appeared, and what I saw is the most shocking that's ever happened to me. I saw myself, age seven, meeting my new family. About to burst into tears, I buried my face into who ever who was next to me, who turned out to be Percy. At first he seemed surprised, but then started to soothe me.

Troll lol lol if you thought I would give you a chapter. This may or may not be canon.

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