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A/N If you haven't noticed, I'm starting every part with a good 'ole author's note. Anyway, I know, super lame title, but it fits what I have planned for this part, so go with it! The answer to the last question is Ben because he got stung. Virtual hugs to those of you who got! New question is: What goddess meets up with Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Grover in the Labyrinth? Also, this chapter consisted of alot of fangirly squeling because it is in the point of view of my favorite character EVER!!! Come on, I'm not the only one.... TEAM LEO!!


Why the heck am I in a dimly lit up box? I set my hand on fire, so I could see better. What I saw was not much. Just some rope, and some rushed fragments of stuff outside of here. Then I noticed something was wrong, I didn't have my tool belt. Whoever took it is going to be killed! After a long time, at least to the most ADHD kid on the planet, the box finally got to where ever it was going. 

For some reason, a bunch of boys were staring at me. I heard one of them yell, "NEWT," which must be someone's name. Probably their leader. Then this guy came running in with a limp. There was a guy trailing behind him, keeping to the shadows. I almost instantly know it's Nico. 

To the people who were just staring at me, I yelled, "Hey! I'm kind of stuck in here, so could someone be kind enough to help? Thanks!" This muscular guy with dark hair helped me out. I introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Leo Valdez." 

He, for some unknown reason, stared at me, dumbfounded, then seemed to notice that it was rude, and introduced himself, "Thomas." Just then, the guy who I assume is Newt joined the crowd. Thomas told him, "This guy knows his last name too. Why would the Creators send two, in the same day, with memories?"

Then Newt did something unexpected. He said, "You're coming with me," and proceeded to drag me off the way he'd come, Nico trailing behind him. When we got to a clearing in the woods, I noticed the god Apollo looking smugly at us. 

"Okay, I'm really confused," I started. "Why was I in a box? Where am I? Why is Nico here? Why is Apollo here? and most importantly, where is my TOOL BELT??!!" I demanded. 

Nico was first to reply, nothing seems to surprise this guy. "That's how everyone gets here, the Glade, same reason as you, to give us information, and I don't know." 

For some reason, Newt was studying me closely. He then spoke my exact thoughts, "So, he's one too?"

"A demigod? Yes, yes I am. Who's your parent?" 

Apollo cleared his throat, and I noticed that he was still here. Nico introduced us, "Newt, son of Apollo, meet Leo, son of Hephaestus." 

"Hi, so what does he want?" I asked, jerking my head in the direction of the god. 

"I was just here to warn you about the Flare." He said as he disappeared.

Then we sat in a triangle-ish shape, and Nico explained what Apollo had told them before I came. "Do you think they're going to send anymore of us?" I asked. 

"I don't think so, I can't sense anyone who was ever close to death." (shut up, I let him have that power so they would know no one else is coming) 

"So, is anyone else here a demigod?" Newt inquired. 

"Maybe, I think I can feel the presents of, like, two others?" I answered. 

"Yeah, I was thinking that," Nico agreed. 

"Now I have two more questions: Do I get a cool sword? and How do we know who they are?" 

"If I had my tool belt, I could give you a cool sword, but I don't, so no for now, and that guy, Thomas, seemed pretty powerful." 

" Okay, so let's go find this Thomas guy and 'accidently' cut his hand." Nico planned. 

"I like the way you think, di Angelo." 

"Oh yeah, Leo, don't use your last names, we don't now ours, so that will make you seem like even more outsiders." 

"Got it, no Valdez in anything."

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