Chapter 1- The Lycan Attack

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Janet Lee Oliver is a thief of mine based off of Aladdin before he became a prince.

"GRAFGHHGHH" The lycans snapped viscously, their jaws like machines of death as they continued to riot through the village as they do every so often. The shrieks of terrified villagers struck out through the village as Janet's family remained huddled in a small, damp, corner of their shared bungalow that was hidden away in the village. Bang bang bang The creatures that ruled and tormented Ariah village were getting closer to her family, Boom Clank. The front door flew open, clanking against the floor with a Thud. It was never like this there were days where the villagers could actually go shopping and socialise. However, recently the Lycan attacks had been quite frequent and they were extremely difficult to survive; Janet's family managed to come out pretty unscathed most of the time. "GRAAGHGGGHAAHA" The Lycans once again bellowed now inside the Olivers bungalow, James Oliver grabbed for a blade, holding the steel close to himself he then lunged onto the lycans back gouging out its flesh, blood splattering all over the walls. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Oliver then tried to huddle her family out of the door to safety, only to be then stopped by a slobbering, starving, pack of overcrowding Lycans desperately trying to reach for their next possible meal. Slashhhh The slip of a Lycans claw slashed through Elizabeth's torso disembowelling her completely. Janet shrieked out in bloodcurdling terror as her guardians crimson liquid and organs were then strewn across the floor and cobblestoned walls. The hay and grime merged in with the blood and organs as the lycans began to feast and slash at the guts getting as much nutrients.

The sun then began to rise, golden flickers filtered through the ragged, now crimson soaked, net curtains. A black feathered figure stood atop a hill, three maleficent pairs of wings stood proudly either side of her. The lycans began to pound their fists in the snow, bounding after the figure as it began to retreat leading the pack of beasts away. Five year old Janet began to whimper, her family lying slain across the walls and floor. Huddled in a corner like a dead beetle shivering at the cold with only one question on her mind.

'Where do I go now?........'

The street rat of Ariah village Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt