Chapter 11~A softer side~

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(Reread the first line of chapter 10!! If confused Janet's older basically))

My heavy eyes opened slowly, my body felt light as anything as I sat up in bed. Soft silk, blankets surrounded me I was being cuddled by two large, soft arms and large black stiletto nails clung to my smaller frame. The arms were followed up to a larger woman, whose gorgeous , pale face was embedded in my neck her hot breaths beating against my skin "J-janet" she whimpered dreaming "Janet my darling" a smirk tugging at her lips as she pulled my form closer. Her perfume lingered around me like a strong cloud of lust, her body then shifted, her chin was now resting against the top of my head "Janet my pet" she moaned softly.

I smiled peering up at her, to my surprise, two dark amber eyes peered back at me "Good morning my little dove" she whispered "Am I still dreaming? Or did you just say 'My' little dove?" I smirked softly with a blush. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't you'll never know haha" she chuckled lowly wrapping her long, smooth arms around me, the alcohol on her breath hitting my nose suddenly as she whispers "You've been such a good girl recently, please let mommy reward such obedient behaviour" she moaned softly kissing my neck gently, her long tongue sucking an lapping at my skin "Please Draga, do I have your permission to play?" I flushed hard pushing away from Alcina as she brought my hand to her crotch "Okay, okay I'll play but only when you've slept for a little longer okay?" I sweat profusely as she nods releasing my hand from her crotch "You promises we can play after that?" She whines "Of course M'am" she chuckled softly and rolled over cuddling the pillow.

I shook my head and smiled "Poor thing," I then pulled the blankets over her, slipping out of bed and onto the smooth oak floor, running out into the hallway. The morning was a crisp autumnal start, the air was an icy low, the fresh snow crunched beneath my bare feet as I stood. The grand oak tree was now carrying a thick white sheet, smoke emitting from my mouth as I breathed in the new morning. Little specs of light reflected from the village as businesses started to wake for the long day ahead and so was I. The air was filled with a thick scent, a wave of sweet, sickly, spiced pastry filled my nostrils "Oh Bills croissants and pastry's what I'd give to have a taste of those thin crumbly, cream and Jam filled treats" I moaned at the thought realising how hungry I actually was. I pushed the single door open once more, retreating back into the castle, my bare feet red and sore with the icy attack of the biting snow.
"Boo!" Cassandra jumped in front of me, startling me "AHH!!" I squeaked "Good morning maiden!" She chirped in an extremely good mood "Good morning miss Cassandra are you okay?" I asked with a gulp "Yes! I'm perfectly fine! I'm just hungry" two more swarms of flies appeared beside her "Don't hog the maiden you pig!" Bela barked at her younger sister "Don't call me a pig you pest!!" Cassandra barked back "Well don't hog the maiden then" Bela snapped.

Daniela pulled me away from her squabbling sisters, her soft hands pulling me toward the kitchen "Do you mind making me some breakfast please? I'm starving maiden!" Dani whimpered "Of course mistress Daniela" I bowed before her, making her some waffles and placing the topping options on the table before her as her waffles toasted. I hummed softly and sighed as I placed the waffles on a plate and in front of her, beginning to make the tea for Alcinas drunk hungover state "Where's my Mumma?" Daniela innocently whined "She's asleep, she was a bit hungover " I admitted finally pouring the milk into Alcinas cup "This should help" I smile walking back up to My mistress's chambers with two cups of tea "Bleughhhh bleuughhhh belughhhhh" A wet gushing sound of vomit was heard from behind her door as I pushed it open, placing the tea cups on her bedside table "I'm never drinking that much again" She swallowed a bit of vomit that had risen to her throat.

"Oh darling, good morning" she blushed walking out of the bathroom "I do apologise I'm not feeling too well this morning" she sighed "No no it's okay, I mean I'm not surprised after last night" I chuckled "W-what? What happened? Did I hurt you?! Was I violated by a man-thing? Are my daughters okay?!!" She panicked "Mistress- mistress- please, you were drinking last night and you've woken up drunk this is just a sign your recovering" I blushed hard and smirked

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