~Chapter 12~

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Two dark embers stared at me through the hedges, it's thick black lips and canine like teeth, soaked suddenly by it's long pink tongue. Thick, razor-like claws scratch at the soft ground, awaiting its moment to strike, moving to and fro ever so slightly comforting itself. Trailing up its arms, a field of thin scruffy fur followed along its anatomy growing bushier and thinner in places. Behind it, a long scruffy tail followed, waving in the wind but staying completely hidden by the shrubbery. Two scraggly furred ears sat atop its mangled head of hair, it's face sweaty and it's mouth bone dry and bloodthirsty. I stood, looking around every so often irritated that I couldn't find my mother, I turned to head back to the castle praying Alcina had calmed down and that my punishment won't be as severe as my mind played out Who am I kidding she sounded infuriated she's not gonna be soft on me, she'll probably have tripled-no quadrilateraled the power of the punishment, I'm just gonna have to accept it, can't be anything worse than being tortured by Cassie right? Yeah she'll probably have found something even worse than that knowing her.

I glanced at the floor, the soft, squishy ground below making strange mushy sounds beneath my tiny feet. Wondering how I'll wriggle myself out of this one, and even if I can, I don't doubt for a single second Daniela would want some form of revenge on me. Shifting ruffled the bushes behind me making the feeling of being watched a little more worrying. I turned instinctively with my fists up defensively "Hello? Who's there?! Show yourself" I snapped. The beast lay stalking in the long thin grass, the surrounding shrubbery causing me to feel slightly claustrophobic. "Who's there?" I whined, my confidence fading along with my bravery. I spun around once more sighing turning towards the way I came. Growling from the shrubbery began to increase in volume, the beast hind legs then pushed against the springy, muddy floor leaping over the hedges, pinning me to the ground Thud "Arhhh!" I grunted under my breathe scrambling and squirming to get free. The creatures cold black nose pressed against my neck, puffing it's hot, bloodied breath against my skin, I pushed against the being, it's claws then dug deep into my back the more I shoved the deeper it's claws dug into my back. It continuously clawed and scratched at my skin, thick crimson blood pouring out of the wounds inflicted by this beast. I kicked as hard as I could into it's gut knocking it onto its back.

The being snarled, it bared its canines at me, rolling back into its stomach readying itself to pounce. This time I saw it coming, I crossed my arms out to block it from attacking shoving it back against a tree, it clawed and scratched my cheek with its dark, dirty claws. I slipped my pocket knife from my maiden blouse, mindlessly forgetting this beast was 30 times stronger than me and I was once again shoved to the ground, laying on my back as this beast loomed over me, it's claws deep in my shoulders. Blood dripping onto the dirt below "My knife- where's my-" I glanced over to my right, my sharp pocketknife sat just out of arms length "Goddami-" The beast snarled in my face, it's mouth moving toward my neck, I wriggled and squirmed "Argh-Ahh" I whimpered, hot tears flooding my eyes as I continued to wriggle edging closer and closer toward the knife. The beast growled as my fingers dragged over the handle of the pocket knife, it's claws were dragged out of my shoulders clawing at my chest, shredding my maiden blouse and skirt "GGGGGRAHHH" it spat at my face once more taking one more scratch at me before I lifted the knife slicing at its fur. "That's it you back o- AGTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG" my throat emitted a long, pained screech. Staring down at my arm in pure agony, the lycans teeth were sunk deep into my soft flesh, missing the bone but deep into my bloodstream. I weakly lifted my knife, gliding right through the beasts stomach watching its organs flop to the ground as well as its limp, pathetic body then everything went black........

3 hours later I awoke hazily, my vision was blurry and my head pounded as if someone had replaced my skull with a gong. I sat up groaning looking around, my surroundings felt different, they felt new and full of life "Am I still dreaming?" I pondered getting up, suddenly falling back down on my knees. My vision was the captivated by a small, hazelnut field mouse hopping along the muddy path. I crawled onto all fours, suddenly pouncing onto the small being, it being gone it seconds, it's tail hanging out of my mouth as I slurped it's guts up "Mmmm" I licked my lips, my teeth feeling sharper than before. "I must be dreaming or at least somewhat hallucinating" I swallowed the last of the mouse with a shudder "why did I eat that mouse?" I questioned myself standing up, I looked around and noticed a small family of mushrooms nearby "Probably has something to do with their aroma" I shook my head "it'll all be over soon" I wobbled and swayed hitting against a tree "Wake up legs hehe" I chuckled pushing away from the tree, standing still Okay this I fine I can work with this. I began to walk, sudden shivering at the thought of Alcina's punishment "What am I gonna do? I can't go back and face the big bitch after brutally slapping her kid into the middle of the next century

What am I gonna do?....
What am I gonna
What am I....
What am....
My body hit the soft, spring mud below me, more pairs of amber eyes targeted my small unconscious frame.

(Sorry this chapter was a short one I got writers block 🤷‍♀️)

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