~Chapter 15~Back to work~

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The night was calm, the sound of winds twirling through the pipes filled the room, adding to the icy atmosphere that was already hard to manage. Through the icy climate, a gentle humming was emitting from an unknown source. I felt my body be placed down in a cosy nest of sheets and blankets, a soft cuddly toy pushed into my arms, it's ragged fur reminding me of home, a slight melancholy feel washing over me.

During the night, the temperature had dropped profusely, and now there I lay in thin sheets, accompanied by a scraggly scratchy blanket which felt as if it was made of hay and straw.

I sigh, lifting the blankets off me peering around. The other maids were all whisked away in their own world of sleep "Why can't I sleep like them?" That question caused my mind to begin churning with thoughts. I should try and calm myself I thought, my feet swinging over the side of the bed, suddenly being bitten by the icy cobblestone ground "Ah fuck me that's harsh" I yelped softly.

I continued on, through the pain of 1000 ice cubes attacking my feet, peering around, I noticed there was no fox tail, no brownish ginger fox ears on the top of my head "Huh..must've gone back to normal" I chuckled slipping out from under the blankets.

I shivered, continuing on with my thoughts. The faint sound of clicking heels in a familiar pattern could be heard down the corridor, soft swishing of a silk fabric draping against hard wooden floors filled the hallway, my heart throbbed and pounded in my chest, as if a rabbit had took its place, I felt small, like a hare that had been dodging this 9'6 predator feeling as though my time was running out now.

I just want a hot mug of something to drink I sighed placing my hand against the doorknob "here goes nothing" I twisted the brass knob, now sliding open the door with a a deafening creak.

The sound of heels had descended as the larger woman headed down yet another one of many vast hallways I swallowed hard.

"Okay she's gone" I whispered creeping silently down the halls towards the kitchen. Slipping past the countess's watchful stare, immediately pointing out the kettle, I sighed in relief, filling it with water and placing it over the hob, turning the gas knobs on, a sudden burst of roaring flames emitting in a circular formation. I placed the kettle over the heat, watching it begin to bubble. If I can just get through making this drink, I'll be good to go.

I stared dreamily out of the window, the falling tidbits of snow create a form of winter wonderland. Watching the icy droplets drift toward the ground once more. It snowed profusely in Ariah, seeming to cause a problem for most but I believed it added to the atmosphere. Ariah was no soft, cute little village, in fact it was far from it. Lycan attacks every month or so, a bloodthirsty, cannibalistic lesbian vampire ruling over it, four lords of whom have supernatural abilities, but the village seemed to pull its way through pretty unscathed at times.

A low guttural growl emitted from the darkness, as if a predator was honing in for the kill, my mind was occupied with my dreamy thoughts, too busy to be able to hear the noise. Two deep amber orbs lit up the shadowy depths, a pink tongue running over two pearly white fangs. Steam began to emit from the pan of milk, drawing my attention back to what I came down for in the first place "Shit" I muttered, immediately turning the heat down in attempt
to save my sweet, sickly drink.

"I'd watch your tongue, before I cut it out of your filthy, flea-ridden potty mouth young lady" a voice almost snarled from the darkness. I squealed lightly, dripping the cup watching the porcelain

my heart dropped.
My tracks stopped dead.
I swallowed hard.
My mind began to plague with all sorts of possible explanations
Maybe it was the maids playing tricks again
Maybe it was one of the dimitrescu daughters

That voice told me exactly who was standing behind me, that lusty, breathy, malicious voice could be told from anywhere.

It was the countess Dimitrescu herself.

I turned around, now facing her. I glared up at her, following from her voluptuous hips to her large, generous chest. "So the little mouse has decided to get herself a drink hm?" She sounded infuriated. I swallowed again, feeling my face heat up as I watch her curves dance in the flickering candlelit darkness.

I returned the mug back to its original place, feeling her body against my back "I never said you could stop~" her tone turned from malicious to breathy, a teasing tone lacing her voice as she spoke.

She moved toward me, my eyes squeezed shut the closer she got, with every step she took, the more I felt the urge to bolt "I wouldn't if I were you, pet~" she chuckles darkly, her mind filling with dark and brooding punishments for if I was to even start running "Nice try though" She pulled out another cup and stood beside me, her hips swaying against the candlelight.

I sighed, my exhaustion overtaking me at last as I left out a lengthy yawn.
"Oh my, is the little maiden tired? Poor thing" The lady cooed pitifully taking my face in one of her larger hands, her two fingers almost engulfing my cheeks.

I blinked slowly, my pale, dusty face revealing my exhaustion "Poor little minx" Alcina cooed once more before lifting my body, as if it weighed nothing, into the chair as she finished off making the drinks "You've been working so hard recently draga" she smiled warmly sitting beside me "I'm so proud of you" I hesitantly smiled back, lifting my cup and sipping the warm, welcoming cocoa.
The thick, sweet beverage slithered down my throat, heating me up almost instantly.

The silence was thick, as if she was hiding something but aiming to make it subtle "So, Uhm how has work been?" She asked out if the blue as if she didn't already know "It's been okay, Cassandra's been tiring me out as usual but what can you do" I shared a light chuckle, she looked at me unamused "My children are just having their fun with you, I'd appreciate if you didn't use that tone with my babies" she huffed, her eyes beginning to glow a dark red, her nostrils began to flare. It was clear that her dragonistic side was about to come out if I didn't shut my mouth.

"Uhm So how's the winery? I heard it's getting great views" I quickly switched to a subject I know she's interested in "It's going perfectly, people can't get enough of their mistress's wine" she smirked and looked away "even if it is their friends they're drinking" I glanced over at her "Come again?"
"Nothing!" She snapped backs and huffed and stood finishing her hit cocoa.

Before long, my eyes were becoming heavier and I felt my body sink into a soothing, soundless slumber.
"Draga..?" Alcina asked pwering over at my slumped frame, my head on the varnished shimmering gloss of the hard oak wood table.

"Silly creature" she hummed, arising from her seat with loving and warm intentions "Let's get you to bed sweetheart" she whispered lifting me up in her arms, cradling me like a baby as she ducked through the doorways toward the maiden chambers "actually..." she turned on her heels, her soft, smooth feet against the varnished floor as she began to ascend the spiralling, grand oak stairs.

She ducked through the doorway of her bed chambers, her large frame almost hitting the frame work.

Sliding off her housecoat, she hung it over her chair lazily and slipped back into bed, her large breasts almost suffocating me as she snuggled into me lovingly "Draga mea~ whatever's going on in that little, fragile and beautiful mind honey, just know that you'll always be my draga mea, my blood bag and my little fuckdoll~" She hummed breathily, unaware everything she had just explained, was now engraved into my tiny little inhuman brain before my mind begins to slip away into sleep.

A/N: HEY! I'm so incredibly sorry I've not updated this for so long! My phone broke as I got monster energy in it somehow and it broke for days!

My mental health also took a plummeting toll too, it's been extremely difficult to find motivation for a lot recently but I've finally finished this chapter!! Hope you guys are enjoying the fic lol!
Love you guys!!


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