Chapter 2 -The village

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Janet's pov, 12 years later)
Crunch, snap, crack, the blistering snow below bit angrily at my bare feet. The village was peaceful for a dusky Monday morning, the residents of Arian village were already beginning to set up their stalls for the long day ahead. I pulled over my dark cloak, staying hidden in the eqshadows and alleys of the village I "reside" in. A thick fog of cooked breakfast drifted into my nostrils, attacking my brain with messages of food which made my mouth begin to water. I peered over to where the smell was emitting from, to my suprise, it was coming from the kitchens of Castle Dimitrescu in which the Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters resided.

My mother used to always say "The creatures that reside in that castle are not to be trusted, especially not that Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters, they are reptilian wenches who should be burned at the stake" The villagers saw my mother as a crazy woman, the type who would own a million cats and wear big scratchy jumpers with cats on them. I thought the Lady Dimitrescu was quite a beauty to behold when I see her wandering through the village; when she strides I can't help but gawk silently at her and her expensive jewellery. "I could make so much off one bracelet alone, imagine how much I could make off a bulk amount" my smile widened at the thought.

My trance was quickly broken by a villager who had recognised me, i pelted off quickly and ducked down a alley closer towards the castle as the villager searched for me, his angry growls are all I need to ensure he had given up. I panted softly as my senses were now being attacked once more by the Lady Dimitrescu's fragrance, I peeked behind me and saw she was watering vanta and crimson roses that stood proudly on a bush outside her castle doors. I flushed softly at her, my sweat bearing on my forehead, my heart thumping quickly as I gawked. I was once again in a trance of lustful love which was quickly broken by a voice "You know it's rude to gawk draga mea" Lady dimitrescu spoke softly, my face went a deep shade of red, My legs pelted backwards in shock as I ran down the alleyway once more and panted out "she spoke to me,
she spoke to me, she spoke to a street rat like me" I blushed hard, my little heart thumping faster and faster.

My stomach snapped and growled angrily in hunger, I glanced around the stalls from my hiding spot. My nostrils picked up a mouth watering scent of pastry and crusting coming from one of the stalls "What was that delicious cooking?!" My brain and stomach yelled in sync. I slunk over through the passages until I was up close "c-r-o-s-s-a-i-n-t-s" I spelled out, "Bills crossaints" I said and smiled, saliva dripping down my chin as the line grew to taste the sweet treat. I snuck my hand up grabbing two napkins quickly, then I quickly snatched two crossaints from behind Bill sneaking out, being stealthy didn't work out as my foot trod on a twig and snapped it "Hey!" Bill called out as I legged it once more, pelting down the passage and slumping down taking a bite.

The warm, thin, pastry was heavenly in my mouth. It was hand crafted by an angel and sneezed on by a goddess. Cream then filled my mouth as I gasped continuing to eat "fuck my life that's so good" I moaned out quietly eating  both of the crossaints "that's heavenly, that's angelic, that's....that's........" My description was stopped by the cheer of the villagers as I poked my head out.

The Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters were strolling through the village "It's her-it's the Lady Dimitrescu" I flushed again watching them stroll past "Mother I'm starving" the youngest proclaimed, "Mother I want to hunt" the middle child proclaimed too "mother can I get a new dress?" The oldest asked innocently. "Daniela, my sweet little bug here's £5 get something nice, Cassandra you can go hunt just no humans, bela here's £20 get a nice outfit" Lady Dimitrescu smiled proudly kissing all three of them on the  foreheads and setting them off. Lady Dimitrescu then began striding across the icy atmosphere.

My attention was then captivated on a pearl bracelet that was tightly wrapped around her wrist, the pearls glistened and shone in the hidden sunlight. My mind was a magpie "I must have it" I thought, I glanced left and right then hurried over and then snuck up behind her wrist, quietly unhooking her bracelet, slipping it off and sliding it into my pocket "easy" I whispered and went to snuck away. Before I could slip away Cassandra came pelting at me Naruto style, I slipped away down the alley and through the passages once more. "Go get them my little bug" the lady praised and strided after Cassandra "mother I lost her I'm so sorry" Cassandra whimpered "It's alright draga mea, you did you're best" Lady Dimitrescu reassured Cassandra "Go find something pretty" she cooed "I'll catch the rat" she kissed her daughters head and let her go.

My tiny feet continued to pelt, I then slid down another passage and hid panting softly. I poked my head out and sighed of relief looking at the bracelet "how much could I get for this? 10?20?100? No no more like 20k" I grinned. Suddenly, a large vanta glove gripped my wrist with ease, pinning both wrists to the wall with one hand. "I believe that belongs to me" Alcina caught the bracelet in her other hand placing it in her bra "And you belong in there!" She snapped pointing to a sewergrate, she then dropped me and growled. I smirked knowing I got away without any consequences. Smack! Alcinas large vanta glove struck me across the face, knocking me to the floor thump "you're lucky I didn't use my claws you vermin and If you ever try and steal from me, The Lady Dimitrescu and you're still alive by the end of it you better count your lucky rat tails you thieving little rat!" Alcina snapped angrily at me she the stormed off furiously. "If that bracelet got a smack in the face, I wonder what a perfume would ensue" I pondered shivering softly at the cold.

The street rat of Ariah village Where stories live. Discover now