Chapter 8 - Serving the Dimitrescu's

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Chime, chime, chime, chime,chime, chime, chime, chime The grandfather clock rang out echoing throughout the room "Ugh- Mm-" I groaned rolling on my other side "5 more minutes" I whined, nestling back into my slumber. "Where is that little rodent? I want my breakfast" Alcina checked the time 8:30 Am the clock read. The lady huffed in frustration "She should be up and working by now!"

Cassandra burst into the room in a swarm of flies "Mother! We still cannot find the rat!" She huffed "Oh darling it's okay, I caught it" She smiled softly "Wait in the dining room, your breakfast would be in front of  you if the pathetic little maiden had decided to get up" she growled "Mother it's okay we can get her later-" "No not yet, I have to break her in first" she smirked "Ohh okay mother, Cassandra hummed softly with darkness in her heart and warmth in her smile.

I stretched, my bones and joints aching from the unusual sleeping position.  my eyes remained closed as I felt my body become more and more well from the proper sleep, Slam! "Maiden! You lazy, pathetic slut! Get up your late!" Alcina snapped, I remained asleep my exhaustion taking over my mind. A sudden wave of pain washed across my cheek Slap! Alcina has struck me across the face to wake me up. She gripped me by the collar, violently shaking me "IF I TELL YOU TO WAKE UP AT A CERTAIN TIME! YOU WILL BRAT!" She threw me down "GET DRESSED" She threw my outfit at me Slam! The taller woman stormed out of the room.

After much squeezing, cramping and re-tightening. I was finally ready for work, I shakily pulled open the door. My reflection in the mirror caught my attention, the maiden dress was a French maids outfit, crisp white collars and a unwinding vanta flowing skirt danced around my knees.

I walked out hesitantly, my eyes pounding, my sweat beading as I made my way down to the kitchen "Finally! breakfast is served" Bela and Cassandra stood "Now now daughters, we need this one remember" She poured angrily "Just hurry up with breakfast, or you'll be on this plate instead of a nice stack of pancakes!" Alcina stood. I jumped, beginning to prepare breakfast, stumbling through a set of oak double doors into the kitchen. "Breakfast now!" Alcina barked as I looked around and gulped at the piling tower of pots and pans on which flies buzzed and circled as if they were wwII planes diving in for battle.

My hands began hard at work, Crack, Whisk, splash, Sizzle, Click never ending sounds of pancakes in process filled my ears as I worked, my wrists ached from the amount of whisking I was producing. But alas, after 20 long minutes breakfast was served. I plated it out before my mistress's having cut daniela's pancake into a dinosaur with a sharp knife and chocolate chip buttons. "At last!" They cheered digging into their gluten treats

"Now go and clean the entire castle from top to bottom, then remake all the beds, clean and hoover the rugs, scrub all the dungeons cells,  add more wine to my "wine" pool" she huffed and once you've done that maybe I'll consider giving you your break" Alcina hissed "Now get to work, mutt!!" Alcina threw a wine glass at me Smash! The glass divided into millions of pieces when it collided with oak wall beside me.

I groaned softly in pain, glancing down at my arm, a giant slash out of which crimson red liquid oozed dripping on the floor "Uhh mistress-" Click, click, click Alcina and her daughters were already bounding towards me "Hahahahhmhmhm" Alcina chuckled, pinning me to the wall "You'll make best vintage yet!" She grinned, baring two fangs. Alcina then lifted my bleeding arm "Daughters, leave us be" Their faces dropped as they left "of course mother" Cassandra pouted "yes mother" Bela whined "Bye maiden!" Daniela cooed playfully.

Alcina smirked, dragging her serpent like tongue up my crimson leaking arm, she moans in delight "Ah- Mmmmmm! You WILL make the best vintage yet!" Alcina then began to suck the the source of the blood, "mmmmh~" she smiled once more lifting me up against the wall. "your coming with me, pet" she whispered into my ear.

Click, Clack, Click, Clack she began up the stairs holding me by the throat as if I was a rodent that had been caught by a predator "Hisss" I spat at her as her hips swayed elegantly "I need a larger drink" she muttered approaching her bed chambers once more, her lips curled into a crimson smile.

Once through the grand doors of her bed chambers, Alcina dropped me on the hard oak Thud  "Ah!" I whimpered out as my body made contact with the sudden rough surface, "Up!" Her fingers snapped impatiently as I painfully moaned trying to stand, after being dropped from Mount Everest. "UP!" She barked viciously as I stood quick enough to be acceptable.

"Now, I'm going to do something and your going to allow me to do it" she smirked, her leather gloves pushing against me suddenly, now pinning me to the cream white and gold walls. Her chin lowered, pushing against my throat as her pearly white fangs glistened in the dim candlelight, the tips rested eagerly against my tender skin teasing and grazing. My eyes widened, my heart was a flutter, sweat was pouring from my temples, my cheeks were flushing heavily as I attempted to push her off with a grunt.

Alcina only chuckled at my meek attempt to free myself from beneath her grasp. "Hmmmm you certainly are persistent little mouse" she hummed "But that meek little attempt just won't be enough to get me off you, now quit struggling or I'll rip out your neck while and throw it to my daughters while your still alive" She hissed venomously into my ear, her claws gripping my throat aggressively. Thump my smaller form was slammed against the hard firm wall.

Alcina's pearly white fangs  then pierced the tender flesh beneath her mouth. "AHH!!" I squealed in pain, her fangs were knives through butter in my skin, as her mouth began to latch around the wound that was now dripping crimson on her hard oak floors. "Hmmm" Alcina hummed and shoved me off, "You need more iron, blood sugar and salt" she sucked her teeth and huffed softly "Go" her fingers clicked once more as I clung to her dress pulling myself up heading towards the large doors "Wait!" Alcina commanded "Come! Now!" She snapped.

My heart was racing, my blush forming once more, my feet lighter than air. At the same time my whole body trembled, my mind squeaked and my feet felt as if they were glued to the floor. "I don't want to have to repeat myself, pet" she spoke with venom. My legs shakily swayed towards Alcina as she folded her arms and kneeled toward me "yes m'am?" I asked as her hands were once again on my shoulders.

A long serpent like tongue then hung from with her mouth. It wriggled and curled before me as she got closer and closer to my neck, her tongue was then dragged against my neck wound. It slipped, slid and skimmed against the crimson covered wound that was now residing on my neck. Alcina smiled softly kissing my neck warmly "Go, I've had my fun with you now" she hummed once more before shoving me away.

My hazel eyes met with hers, her golden orbs warmly smiled back at me "Your not as bad as i though you were" Alcina blushed softly leaning closer her cherry crimson lips inches away from mine. Her smile then dropped as she pushed me away, sadness washing over her suddenly "G-go" she sighed opening the door "But mistress I-"
"Go!" She snapped. I looked down, vacating the room standing outside as my lustful desires washed over me as if they were a dangerous tidal wave of passion.

30 minutes had passed, I found myself once again in Alcina's bed chambers. Scrubbing the red wine stains out of the expensive, thick wool rug that lay perfectly beneath her antique chair in which she sat supper her wine, keeping an extremely close eye on me "M-mistress?" I squeaked breaking the silence "Hm?" She replied "Do you by chance have any white wine?" I pondered "No, why?" She looked down at me, her eyebrow raised at my strange request "Because white wine helps get red wine out of carpets" I softly smiled remembering my mother teaching me that trick.

My smile then dropped when Alcina spoke "Oh you poor thing, that's not red wine dear" she chuckled softly, my pupils grew smaller in fear as I peered down at the stain once more. My mind racing, my body began to sweat as tears formed in my eyes "This-this isn't blood right?" I ask stupidly "Why of course it's not" Alcina smirked "oh thank god" I sighed of relief "Not just any old blood, it's maidens blood, the tastiest blood in my opinion most if not all of my maidens were virgins" Alcina explained casually

A shining shimmering glint captivated my vision, I turned my head to see candlelight  flickering off a stainless steel padlock that hung around a glass container along with thick, bulky metal chains "Oh, I see you've noticed my new security system, that'll teach you to keep your sticky fingers in your pockets" she growled as my eyes lit up once more at the glistening pearls, the golden emblem almost like diamond in my eyes as I reached towards the case. Alcina then yanked me back "Ah, Ah, Ah look, gaze and admire my jewels but don't Touch" she spat on the last word like it was venom but I still didn't care, I wanted that necklace and I was going to get it no matter what.....

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