Chapter 6 - The rat in the dragons claws

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I darted out of the room, my feet were fire along the carpeted floor. Faster and faster I pelted until I slid to a stop around a corner. I poked my head out, watching the taller woman walk out of her chambers hugging in anger, a soft growl emanating from her throat "Who dares burglarise my humble abode!!??" She snapped in fury, storming out of her chambers and down the stairs. All I knew now was "This mission just got a whole lot harder".

I waited until Alcina was at the bottom of the stairs so I could attempt to take something else. My tender feet, then began to tiptoe to my second destination. A door beside Alcina's room, I poked my head around the door peering over at the slumbering resident of the room. A dark haired, pale faced woman slept, Her forehead was patterned with a symbol, a symbol of which followed a black circle with a black flower in the middle. A small horizontal moon that held a cross beneath it sat perfectly atop her brow's.

I poked around in her room on all fours, aiming to make as less noise as possible. Click Clack Click Clack, Alcina's heels could be heard once more. I rolled beneath Cassandra's bed as the Lady popped her head in to check on her slumbering daughter "Aw she's still asleep, undisturbed by the mouse that invades my castle" Alcina softly flushed, closing Cassandra's door leaving me in the "safety" of candlelight and the brooding Cassandra. "I better make this quick" I softly ushered, crawling across the rug beneath her bed.

I popped my head up, my eyes noticing an amber crystal that flickered and shone in the candlelight. I climbed once more, onto her dressing table snatching the amber crystal and slipping it into a small sack I had brought for this very mission. "N-no don't hurt my mother you foul vermin" Cassandra whined in her sleep. I sighed and jumped down, crawling beneath her bed and into the vent, I crawled through the cold, damp ventilation system towards the next two rooms to finish my Mission.

My nails began to slap against the metal floor of the vent, my sweat beaded on my head as I pushed open the next vent door sneaking past Daniela and heading straight for her dresser. I pulled myself up onto her chair as I noticed a crimson gem sitting proudly in a glass case beside a 'Man-eating plant' with a name tag that read 'Alcina' I chuckled softly going to open the case then seeing a padlock on it "goddamit" I cursed, hopping down and then climbing up her bed frame onto her blankets seeing a metal key around her neck along with her necklace.

I reached my arm out towards the key, when Daniela rolled onto her side cuddling a bat plushie. I pushed a knee onto her breast reaching again toward her neck once more. Her lips emitted a moan as she shook her head gently "huh-what Mumma?" She groaned stirring awake "H-hello my names Daniela" she giggled "Are you the intruder in our humble home?" She began to frown "N-no im a dream , I'm all in your head" I wooed at her as if I was a ghost "now goo back to your dreamy land" I smiled as she curled up once more "okay" she then began to fall back into her slumber.

I managed to quietly slide the key off of Daniela's necklace, I slunk over to the glass case again. My soft hand pressed the key into the lock, twisting it Click I pulled open the glistening door. I plucked the emerald tinted gem out of the stand and closed the door. The gem was then slid into the same sack as Cassandra's gem "One more gem to go then I can make my escape" I grinned and got back into the vent again. Crawling towards Bela's room. Instantly noticing the gem, the forest crimson red gem stood proudly in a glass cupboard. I leaped onto the chair, onto the dressing table and then into her cabinet snatching the ruby with ease.

I pushed open the door ajar, peering out Alcina had turned the corner as I tiptoed out. I kept alert on the taller woman's heels, that was until I saw them neatly tucked away in her chambers. "Shit" I turned around, My heart pounded almost out of my chest. There I saw Alcina standing at the end of the corridor facing me "YOU! YOU VERMIN!" She snarled and began to storm toward me, her feet thumped against the pine oak floor. My palms began to sweat as I pounded my feet against the floor too, darting away from Alcina Dimitrescu.

I was running around the castle for ages, my visions and energy were weakening as I ran. I sat for a moment, keeping my guard up especially for Alcina. Once I felt the coast was clear I darted out of the corner, pelting my feet down a vast hallway, my heart pounding in my chest as I run. I rounded a corner absentmindedly SMACK! I face planted right into Alcina Dimitrescu herself.

I stumbled backward, my hand smacking against the oak wood floor. "So we finally meet" Alcina smiled devilishly "And what do we have here? A rat, trailing, sneaking, sliding along the vents of my castle as if she wouldn't be noticed" Alcina hummed "Tell me, Janet" Alcina spat "Why have you invaded my home? Are you in need of comfort and succour? Shelter perhaps? Or are you trying to steal from me yet again?" The taller woman growled lifting me by the neck, pinning me to the wall "You are nothing more than a lycan, a snivelling, bad mannered, aggressive, stealthy lycan!" She pulled me away then slammed me angrily back into the wall "Oh there's so many perfect punishments for streetrats like you" She hummed and dropped me harshly.

"My chambers, Now!" She commanded, walking ahead "Quickly girl!" She snapped. Snapping her fingers, she demanded more and more as I stood "I don't work for you! Therefore I don't have to follow you or listen to any orders commanded by yourself, good day m'am" I turned to leave Shhhhhhhccccing "Would you care to repeat that, Rodent?" Alcina growled lowly, I turned to face her, six inch claws unsheathed from her leather vanta  gloves. My heart sunk as she tapped a claw on the wood below her.

"I will not repeat myself a third time, here! Now!" Alcina growled once more, I nodded and followed realising the amount of power this woman had over me was more than I ever imagined.

Inside Alcina's chambers, I stood hesitantly before her antique chair in which she sat with an arched eyebrow and a fresh glass of wine that she sipped ever so often. "Empty your sack, pockets and whatever else you have on your person" she hissed as I pulled out a ink black sack and dropped it on the floor, I emptied out tissues and rubbish from my pockets as her pearl necklace fell towards the carpeted , Alcina caught it just in time "Oh your a little scoundrel, stealing a lady's family heirloom" she barked "Now leave! Your luck I haven't banished you to the forest! You filthy thieving ferret" she clipped the necklace around her neck and growled softly once more.

"Now then, I have a little deal you might have an interest in" she hummed "You can either run off and forget this happened, love life continuing to steal from the hardworking villagers, surviving only just barely with nothing to eat most days and so on and so fourth!" She puffed on her cigarette "Or you can stay here, under my protection, where you'll be watered, fed, clothed, bathed and have a nice living area" she smiled warmly "What's the catch?" I asked not one hundred percent sure on trusting her "Oh nothing, you just have to serve and satisfy me and my daughters" She explained taking a sip

"So, Janet Lee Oliver are you in or are you out?" Alcina finally asked

A/N: Hey yall! Hope your enjoying this story! I hope Janet isn't coming off too Mary Sue like-. I do love writing it so far and hope to write more!! :D TTYL


The street rat of Ariah village जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें