Chapter 3- The plan

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Nightfall began to drift in "GRAGGGGGGGGGHHUOOOO"  The Lycans screeched out in the night, the crispy, icy, snow began to fall once more as I retreated back to my chilly shelter made up of a boat tarp, sticks, blankets and a plushie name "Karl" I then covered my shivering body with a blanket, sleeping off the rest of the night.

"GREADGHHHHHHGGFSAIHGGG" The Lycans snarled surrounding my shelter, I awoke and stretched. glancing over, a Lycan was in my faces baring it's fangs at me spraying saliva in my face "AGHHHHHHH" I squealed out and kicked as it's large fangs chomped into my leg, crimson liquid oozed from my leg as my surroundings went darker. Suddenly a whistle could be heard from ahead as yet another silhouette was seen standing before me "Lycans, follow!" The silhouette was carrying a large hammer and was wearing a steampunk type hat as metal began to float and drift around him. The beasts around me began to bound after him as he walked away leading the pack of Lycans, the everything went black.....

Hours later, I awoke my leg was healed but very much weak as I limped towards the village from my shelter in the woods. The trees felt as if they were going to fall on me as I peeked down at the village. The sky was a dark blue and black as I sighed seeing the villagers get ready for the day ahead. I glanced over at
Castle Dimitrescu and could smell the fire emitting from the second floor, it was a beautiful smell and reminded me of home.
Alcina Dimitrescu could be seen say in her chair asleep from working all day.

A devious, yet wonderful plan popped into my head, "Since Alcina wasn't so harsh on me when I stole her bracelet and I need the money, what if I steal something else.. now let's see what would be the most expensive thing she owns? Her wine? Her wine glasses? Her perfume?.....her Dimitrescu necklace? That sound excruciatingly expensive" I smirked thinking of all the ways into the castle "The dungeons, the ventilation system's, the balcony's, the sewage system, there's so many little ways in" I pondered, I kneeled down and watched the older woman sleep, a wave of comfort washed over me, causing me to smile, a pang of guilt then stabbed my guilt. "She's so peaceful and she works so hard", My mother then popped into my head "Don't back down now, she has everything her greedy heart could ask for, you have nothing darling, nothing but to have to fight for yourself, you have to steal clothing and food! That's not normal for a 16 year old girl! You need a new lease of life" My mother cooed in my head, fully hypnotising me.

I sat watching the Castle, Alcina had awoken and was pottering around the rooms taking a nightly stroll around the grounds. Her dress flowing behind her, the dress was a cream white tail of large dove with a ink sunhat that perched above her raven locks. She strolled past a window and then out of sight.

Meanwhile, my body was at a war with itself. My heart was aching for her jewellery, money and wealth, My mind was aching for her acceptance and motherly love, and my gut was aching for food. I realised I hadn't eaten much that day. I yawned and stretched, deciding to retreat back to my little shelter "Goodnight my love" I whispered to Alcina, getting on all fours, quietly crawling back through the cold, mysterious woods.

I climbed into my next of thin blankets, holding my teddy bear tightly to my chest I curled into myself and began shaking. Hot, salty tears began to stream down my cheeks all I knew right now was that
.......I was terrified......

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