Chapter 13 ~the incident~

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The sound of shifting clothing filled my ears, my kneecaps were buried deep, dragging along the blistering icy surface. I groaned, lifting my head up to see what I was being dragged by "Mothers got a few punishments in line for you, you little bitch" a sadistic voice growled in my ears "How dare you-" they lifted my by the back of my shirt collar "How dare you place even a single finger on my younger sister! If it wasn't for mother need you alive I would kill you right now" the persons voice became clearer, it was Cassandra, Alcina's middle child. Glancing back, I began to notice a long trail of blood behind me, the pain suddenly hitting me "ARGH" Cassandra's sickle was embedded in my ankle and she was dragging me like a piece of meat. The icy shards of frozen ice scratched and rip at my arms, "I can't wait to see the look on your face hahahaah" she cackled dragging me towards an opening guarded by twisting trees and curling branches intimidatingly baring down on us. As I was dragged me through the opening I felt millions of eyes on me at once.

"Streetrat!" One man yelled "Scoundrel" a woman waved her fist "Scandal!" "Con artist!" "Thief" "Burn her at the stake!" the residents of Ariah chanted with vengeful mindset's and violent tongue's "Leave her!" A dark feathered woman stood on a cliff before them "She will be handled accordingly" with a wave of her silky, jewelled up hands the villagers backed down and returned to their original stations behind their counters "Thank you mother Miranda!" Cassandra sadistically giggled continuing to aggressively drag my wounded form. The heavy, stone-like castle doors were then shoved open, dust dancing through air free of its place in the cracks and crevices of the ancient castle. "Mother! Mother!" Bela giggled lightly buzzing past "Bela! Momma said I can play with the new maiden first!" Dani called after her sister "Dani you don't know the first thing about "playing" with a maiden, buzz off" Bela viscously bit back chasing the poor new maid further through the castle's vast and unwinding hallways. Daniela stopped, facing me, "Oh- Hello Janet" Daniela's tone was sarcastic and quick, she rolled her eyes and pulled out her sickle, her face suddenly lighting up at the gory, blood soaked revenge she could inflict upon me "Mother has thrown you down to us! Your ours now, bitch" My body went ice-cold, how could Alcina just throw my down to these like a scrap of discarded meat I feel betrayed that she would even think of something like that "Dani! I found and rescued the maiden! I get first dibs!" Cassandra growled at her younger sibling.

"That not fair! She slapped me! I get to wreak my revenge upon this little, no good, dirty rat" Daniela smirked devilishly looking down at me smaller form. Cassandra and Daniela then suddenly began fighting over me, their sickles flying and swinging at each other, clouds of flies ascending and descending quickly. Now's my chance! I snook away for the battle, not wanting to get involved, I ran back to the maiden chambers and straight into the bathroom, barely noticing the other, poor, badly wounded, handmaid. Slam! I peered into the mirror poking and pulling my cheeks "Was it all just a dream?" I wondered to myself in pure confusion, glancing over at my pale, bloodied right arm. There, a deep, gory and downright nasty lycan bite mark peered back at me like a stone in the sand, the torn and ripped edges creating a funky and unusual shape.

Muffled voices could be heard outside the bathroom, a high pitched ringing began in my ear, I slammed my body against the thick, oak door "Ah! Ow!" I groaned pulling away. The ringing stopped for a second "Finally" I smiled, it then began again my nose sniffing the air in rapid movements as if I was a bird trying to feel for the worms and bugs in the earthy soil. My hands were clawing at the door, my dry lips soaked in saliva "Oh no no no no! Shit! I got my period" the young maiden outside cursed out. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with a nervous smile, approaching the bathroom door "Excuse me, f-fellow handmaid so sorry to be a bother but, do you happen to have a sanitary towel or a tampon I could use?" She squeaked out "Box- under bed- towels and tampons- t-taaarrrk, take as many as you need" I spluttered out, thick black claws suddenly ripping through my fingers "Argghh!! AGHH AH!" I was suddenly slammed into the bathroom mirror "ARGG AHH!" Glass shards flying into my soft, squishy skin shredding it, some shards landing deeper than others.

The street rat of Ariah village Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat