Meeting Jacob and Seth

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"Let's get back home, you're freezing" I cast a drying spell on all of us, and a warming spell on Bella.

"Thank you," she said. I grabbed Edward and Bella's arms and apparated back to the house.

Once we got there Carlisle ran to me and hugged me, "Don't ever do that again!"


Hermione's POV

After a few hours has passed and everyone was over the shock of the day, I had remembered that there was a different smell at the beach.

Not a vampire...

Not a witch or wizard...

Something that smelt like a dog, and not the kind of smell that Fred, Ginny, and I emit. It was definitely something...wetter. It was bothering me.

I let my guard down for a brief moment and let Edward in my mind. I could feel him prying, but I didn't want him to get further than the scent, so I set borders again.

He looked over at me, nodded, and walked out of the room, towards the office where Carlisle was. Not that it would have made a difference if anyone wanted to listen.

As the door opened, Carlisle closed the book he was reading and turned the chair to face the door.

(I imagine his office to have one large window covering one wall and the two walls connecting to the window are floor to ceiling bookshelves with the other wall having the door and pictures of the family. His desk would be near the center of the room with the chair facing the wall with the door.)

Edward gave him a look and nodded. Carlisle understood this mysterious nod and stood, ushering me out of the house by my elbow. We walked into the woods and sat on some logs near the river, where Emmett will inevitably chase Victoria into Quileute territory.

I looked at Carlisle and asked him why there was a different smell, one that wasn't familiar to me, that was oddly like wet dog. "What are they Carlisle?"

"Shifters. Werewolves. They can change into the form of a wolf at will. They don't need a full moon like you or Remus might. We have a treaty with the Quileute Tribe on the La Push territory.

"I was hoping that I would be able to take you to meet the pack, but I feel as though this may not be the right time. If you wish to meet them, please take Bella with you. She knows them, they know her. It would make me feel better knowing that she was with you."

"Tomorrow, I want to meet them tomorrow. The pack. All of them."

"As you wish, my love." He looked at me, and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

" He looked at me, and leaned down to kiss my forehead

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Hermione's POV

I woke up in Carlisle's bed, the sun shining lightly though the sheer curtains hitting my face and making me warm. I tried to get up to use the restroom, but there was a set of pale arms blocking my way. They shined like diamonds in the sunlight and I couldn't help but admire the way his scars shone and gave a bit of dimension to his smooth marble skin.

He noticed I was awake and shifted my body so it was facing him. "Good morning, lovely."

"Good morning, my love," I responded wearily. It was far too early for me to be talking to anyone.

"Are you ready to meet the pack today?"

"As ready as I could be," I responded with a sigh.


The ride to the border was a silent one, neither of us were ready to let go of each other, I can only assume it was the same with Bella and Edward in the car behind us.

Jacob, the every friendly wolf, and a smaller teenager were waiting at the border for Bella and me.

I looked over at Carlisle and kissed him, we had never kissed before, at least, not like this. This kiss was full passion, want, and the need not to leave the other. I let go to breath for a moment and he sighed. The man stepped out of the car and sped around to my side to open my door before I had even unbuckled my seat belt.

He helped me out of the car, just as Edward was helping Bella. We all looed at each other, Edward wishing me good luck and telling me to keep and eye on Bella, and Carlisle telling Bella to make sure nothing happened to me.

Jacob greeted Bella with a hug, and so did the younger wolf.

"So you must be Hermione," Jacob looked at me.

"And you must be Jacob." I stuck my hand out for a hand shake, he laughed, and pulled me in for a hug.

The younger wolf laughed as well and introduced himself as Seth Clearwater.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Now, let's meet the rest of the pack, shall we?"




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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