More Students?!

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Full title: More Students?! Where Do They Come From?!

Hermione's POV

As we were looking around the dorm, I realized that I had gotten the largest room.

You could see the Black Lake from my window.

The bell rang signaling lunch, we all raced each other to the Great Hall. Draco had won, and the Ravenclaw boy had lost.

We walked into the Great Hall and saw that there was a girl around Ginny's age standing on the platform.

Dumbledore stood up once everyone had taken their seats, he said, "As you can see we have more new students. They all have already been sorted in my office earlier. There are several new students, Rellabae Snith. Hope Paige Thomas. Connor Greengrass. And Kenzie Potter."

Hope had long black hair, dark skin, like her brother, and brown eyes, that could have been mistaken for black.

Once she sat down, I saw that she had caught the eye of Seamus Finnigan. He had also caught her eye. 

Rellabae had navy blue hair, lighter skin than Hope, and silver eyes. She walked over to the Slytherin table and her and Theo had made eye contact.

Draco stood up and walked over to Luna and said that he wanted to break up, and she said that she was going to talk to him about that as well.

Connor had brown hair, light skin, and light green eyes. He walked over to the Hufflepuff table.

Kenzie had red hair, like her sister, and hazel eyes, like her father. She walked over to the Hufflepuff table as well. The two had sat down next to each other.

We ate our lunch then went back to our classes. We had Care of Magical Creatures, with the Gryfinndors.

Once we got outside and were by Hagrid's hut, we saw Charlie standing next to a Hippogriff. "I know that you have already done this lesson before, but I want to know what you know about different creatures."

"I need a volunteer to come and bow to Stormswift." I raised my hand, "Yes, Ms.Malfoy. Come and bow to Stormswift." I bowed low to the ground, then slowly raised back up. He bowed down to me, and I walked up to him and started to stroke his sides and his head. Charlie picked me up and put me on Stormswift's back. He whistled and we took off flying.

When we had come back to the ground, Charlie grabbed my waist and helped me back to the ground. I turned and felt the blood rush into my cheeks, as I was walking back to my group of friends. As I was walking Ron came and grabbed my arm, and said, "'Mione, come back and join me and Harry, I was shaking and my wolf side taking over.

I could feel my bones cracking and soon stood in my place was a white wolf. I ran towards the Forbidden Forest, with Ginny calling after me trying to get me back to the lesson. Everyone from my year saw me transform.

Ginny turned and ran after me into the forest. Bella and Gemstone came after in their animagus form. I ran out of the forest and to the Whomping Willow, I climbed to the knot at the base and touched it with my snout. I climbed into the passage and ran to the Shrieking Shack.

Once I was in the Shack, I ran into the secret room that only I know. I turned back and ran my hand along the leather spines of the books. I grabbed my favorite muggle romance novel and sat down in the chair that is next to the fire.

*The Next Morning*

When I opened my eyes I was met by a blinding light coming from the fire. I turned and I was again met by something, but this was much, much closer. It was Charlie Weasley and Professor McGonagall.

They didn't look like they wanted to give me a detention, they looked scared and relieved. I sat up and looked around trying to remember what happened last night.

I stood up and Charlie rushed over to me and helped me stand upright when I stumbled.

"Are you alright 'Mione?" he asked me.

"How did you find me?" I asked me.

I walked over to the entrance of the room, behind the tapestry of a snowy Hogsmeade.

As soon as I was out of the entrance Ginny and Bella tackled me in a hug. When they came out of the hug they started spewing questions at me, "What happened? You never lose control like this."

I didn't want to tell them what had happened the night before Ron had grabbed me, so I said, "Just drop it guys, nothing happened. I was just a little stressed out."


Hermione's POV

I had just come back from detention with Snape. Surprising, I know.

I was walking down the hallway when I felt someone grab me by the arm. My captivator dragged me into an empty classroom. He pushed me against the wall. He had raped me.

After this was all over, I realized who it could have been. Ron. He was the only one that knew that I had detention with Snape tonight.


I walked out of the shack and towards Hogwarts. Once we got on the grounds, I was rushed to the hospital wing, by Snape.

Hey guys, again sorry for the short chapter.

I will update when I can, with school starting back up again.

Bye Loves,


The Vampire x The Bookworm ➳ Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ