I Have A Crush!?

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Full Title: I Have A Crush On My Professor!?

*Hermione's POV*

*Time Skip 2 weeks*

When I woke up, I took a shower, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and pulled on my uniform, all before anyone woke up. I walked into the Great Hall.

When I got to the Slytherin table and sat down with my book in hand grabbing a piece of toast. Once I was done with my breakfast and saw that the students were just now walking into the Great Hall.

I looked up to the staff table and saw that Charlie and Snape were the only ones sitting up at the table, just like any other day because like me they were early risers.

I stood up and walked to the library, taking careful notice that Charlie was watching me walk out of the Hall, as was any other male in here. So I swayed my hips a little extra, winking at Draco, telling him to calm down in my head. With me being a wolfblood my hearing was exceptionally great, I could hear Charlie growl at anyone that he passed.

Once I was in the library and was far enough into the books so no one could hear me. I turned around, noting how tall he was, and said, "You can't keep growling at anyone that looks at me in a way that you don't like."

"I can and I will because you are mine and only mine."

Okay, I should back up a little bit, about 2 weeks.

*2 Weeks Ago*

I walked into Hagrid's hut, expecting him to be sitting on his bed with Fang. But, Charlie was the only one in there.

I started to walk out, but he called out to me, "Please, stay. I want to talk to you about something," he paused. "I know that you like me, I just want you to know that I like you too."

I looked up at him, he was looking everywhere but me.

I started towards and he met me halfway, once we were close enough he pulled me into his chest.

"Please, be mine," he asked, pleadingly.

"Yes," I replied breathlessly. He pulled me closer and planted a sweet kiss on my lips, before telling me to head back to the dungeons, as it was almost curfew.

When Rellabae and I walked into our dorm, we both sat down on our bed and sighed in content.

Pansy and Bella looked at us the same way we all looked at each other, the look that says 'tell-me-everything-before-I-kill-you-in-your-sleep'

It turns out that Rellabae was asked to Hogsmeade by Theo Nott. Bella was asked to Hogsmeade by Draco. Pansy was asked if she wanted to go with Blaise. And I had been asked to Hogsmeade by a professor, but I hadn't told them who yet.

Hey guys, again, sorry for the short chapter. My first day of 7th grade was today.

Have a great day/night

Bye Loves,


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