Ideas A/N

436 8 22

I have some ideas that I want to share with you, and I would also like to know whether I missed anything or need to get rid of these ideas completely And remember you can request as many characters as long as you follow this chart or the other chart.

Here are some of the ideas:

Have the girls -Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Pansy, Gemstone, and Bella- travel back in time to the Marauders' Era

I have to do this, and I feel bad, but also not, because it goes on with the plot. Draco Breaking up with Luna

Ginny becomes a Zabini, like how Hermione "becomes a Malfoy"

Hermione and Bella are sisters, Lucius hooked up with her one night, without knowing that she was a Squib.


Harry x Ginny

Hermione x Charlie

Ron x Lavander x Pansy

Gemstone x Draco

Bella x Neville

Luna x Snape

Remus x Tonks

James x Lily

Sirius x ?? (If anyone wants to request a character request for him as the love interest, please do so)

Fred x Katie

George x Angelina

Percy x Penny

Bill x Fluer

Molly x Arthur

This is the request chart if you need it again




Love Interest



Hair Color

Eye Color



If transfer, what school was he/she transferred from

Blood Status

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