The Three Broomsticks

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Hermione's POV

When Charlie was walking back, Draco came up to me and asked who I was here with.

"Charlie," I replied.

"Oh, where is he then?" I pointed over to the boys. When I looked over there, Ron looked like his head was going to burst, he was that red. Harry looked like he expected this, so he was holding Ron back.

The boys' dates came up to them and grabbed their arms, sent me an apologetic look and walked away. Draco walked over to his date, but not before kissing my cheek, telling me, "Don't do anything stupid, that's my job."

I walked over to Charlie and dragged him into Flourish and Botts. We looked at the books for an hour. We bought a few books - only because Charlie didn't want me to buy my weight in books. Charlie bought a new book on dragons and a potions book. I bought a new book about Defense Against The Dark Arts, a muggle romance novel, and a book about lycanthropy I wanted to know if the author of the book new about shape-shifters, and wolfbloods.

As we were walking out an owl came towards me. She landed on me. You could tell that she needed something to eat. The poor thing was tipping off of my arm. I gave her some treats, after taking the letter off of her leg, and she was off.

I opened the letter and in Bella's handwriting it said:

Dear Hermione,

I hope that you are having a wonderful time, but we really need you in Forks right now. Could you just come here for a few days? Charlie already checked with Dumbledore, he said it would be fine for you to miss a few days. You could bring Charlie Weasley along. Charlie really wants to meet him.



I have something that I want to tell you. And it can't be shared over owl.

I grabbed Charlie's arm and apparated to Uncle Charlie's house.

"Where's Bella?" I asked the man sitting on the couch.

"Her room," he replied.

I dragged Charlie into her room. "Wait, what's going on here?"

"My sister needs me here, and she has something to tell me." Hermione tried to explain. "We might be staying a while, so get comfortable."

She walked into Bella's room.

Bella was waiting on her bed, with two others. They were both males. One was sitting close to her on her bed, the other was standing one corner. The one sitting on the bed had bronze hair and gold eyes. The other had blonde hair and gold eyes.

I felt something trying to get inside my head, I put my shields up further, and with more protection.

"What do you need Bells?"

"We are near a war, with other vampires. The main is James, and his mate Victoria."

"What do you need me to do?" I said, then we heard a yell.

I was the first downstairs. Uncle Charlie was staring at Charlie with a look of terror.

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