Esme + Charlie & Hermione + Carlisle

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Carlisle's POV

When Hermione giggled, it sounded like music to my ears.

'Charlie just broke up with me. Esme's going to come out here in 5 seconds to break up with you. You'll have to wait till then, lover-boy'

"Carlisle, I need to talk to you," Esme said.

"If you're going to break up with me, it's alright. You are Charlie's mate, I understand." I replied

"How did you-"

"He didn't, I did"

Back to Normal Now...............................................................................

Hermione's POV

"He didn't, I did," I told Esme.

I paused and didn't hear what Esme was saying to me. I was pulled into the vision. 

In the vision, I saw Bella and Edward jumping off a cliff, the same one Bella jumped off of when Edward left. Edward came to the top, but I didn't see Bella.

When I came out of the vision, Alice had the same look that I did, pure horror. "Go," was all she said. I apparated to the cliff. Bella was about to jump off.

I didn't get there soon enough, she jumped. I ran and jumped off after her.

Once I hit the water, I started to search the water, but all I saw was flaming red hair, pulling my sister away. I cast a spell that made the redhead drop my sister, and swim away.

I pulled Bella out of the water and dragged her to the beach. Once her back hit the ground, she started coughing up water.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING???!!!!" I yelled as soon as Edward got out of the water.

"I wanted to have fun, and Edward wanted to come with me," Bella said like a small child.

"A VAMPIRE IS HUNTING YOU!!!! SHE ALMOST HAD YOU!!!!! If I hadn't gotten here when I had, she would have killed you," I told her in a scolding tone.

"I'm sorry sis."

"It's fine. Let's get back home, you're freezing" I cast a drying spell on all of us, and a warming spell on Bella.

"Thank you," she said. I grabbed Edward and Bellas arms and apparated back to the house.

Once we got there Carlisle ran to me and hugged me, "Don't ever do that again!"

Hey, sorry for such a short chapter. And the late update.

Have a great day/night

Bye Loves,


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