Chapter 25

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In the end, she could not stand it any longer and had no choice but to accompany Edwin.

"Take class comfortably. I'll be there to protect you."

Edwin said proudly.

If it's like you, can you focus on class with Gwangryong by your side?

I was more worried about whether the etiquette teacher would be able to teach than me.

When I resigned in the hope that everything would go well, Edwin suddenly hugged me.

"Come on, let's go."

to go like this? He groaned and patted Edwin on the shoulder.

"Take it down."


Edwin asked sternly.

"Today is the first day I met the teacher. As a teacher of etiquette, I have to greet you properly."

"I don't need to say goodbye. My bride just needs to be greeted."

There weren't one or two things to point out, but I just kept my mouth shut.

Because I have already experienced many times that persuasion is impossible.

When I entered the drawing room with Edwin, a well-dressed lady was waiting for me.

The lady who saw us widened her eyes, forgetting to get up from her seat.

His face flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn't turn his head. I'm afraid it'll look like I'm ignoring you.

"The etiquette teacher doesn't even know the basics. Only then can I teach properly."

The wife, who was awakened by Edwin's stern tone, got up from her seat, startled.

"Honey, I'll see you soon. My name is Maria Ashlyn."

Even though he was embarrassed, it was an elegant gesture without a single fuss like a etiquette teacher.

But he couldn't hide his trembling fingertips.

Edwin nodded and headed to the sofa.

Meanwhile, I smiled awkwardly and greeted the lady with my eyes lightly.

Fortunately, although she was embarrassed, she accepted my greetings.

I was worried that Edwin would put me on his lap here too, but luckily he got me down on the seat next to me.

"Baroness, do you know why you are here?"

"I heard that you are looking for a etiquette teacher for the pre-duchess."

The baroness did not make eye contact with Edwin, but tried to speak as calmly as possible.

"This beautiful woman is my bride."

"You are such a beautiful person. It's nice to see you like this."

The baroness looked at me at Edwin's introduction and smiled softly.

"My name is Angelina. Please."

As I said goodbye to the baroness, Edwin jumped in.

"Classes are held every day, but only one hour a day. My bride is weak."

"... ... Yes."

"My bride is weak and often startled, so she should always conduct her class gently with praise."

As Edwin's urging continued, the baroness's expression became more and more vague.

Meanwhile, with my parents, I felt like a child who came to kindergarten for admissions counseling.

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