Chapter Nine: Memories

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My dad told me Jesse and the Greenwoods were coming to visit the area for a vacation. I got really excited when I heard that. I hadn't heard from Jesse for a while,to the point where we became teenagers.  Apparently he has a half brother that's staying with the Greenwoods for a while.

Dad started driving to their campsite and he honked the horn to signal that we were here. And jeez did Jesse grow.
"Jesse!" Dad called.

  I quickly got out the car and smiled. Jesse got taller..and his jawline was more defined. Now we weren't the same height anymore.. he's taller than me by a couple inches now.
"Randolph! Nova!" He called as he ran up to my dad first to give him a huge hug.
"Hey Jesse.." I said giving an awkward smile.
"Wow" Jesse said in response.
"You look really pretty right now" He continued.
I chuckled. " don't look too shabby yourself" I said hugging him,putting my arms around his neck.

"So..Jesse! You must've grown 6 inches!" Dad said. Quite rudely interrupting us.
"Yeah! 4 and a half" He responded pulling away from the hug.
Glen walked over and smiled. "Yeah since breakfast" He said.
"Hi Mrs. Greenwood,Mr. Greenwood" I said giving a small wave.
"It's good to see you Nova" Annie said hugging me.

I went to stand beside Jesse as he looked at me and smiled. My dad looked at a little boy, seemingly under 10.
"This your brother?" Dad asked.
"Yeah" He said giving a smile.
"Hi. My names Elvis! I'm half Apache" He said shaking my dads hand smiling.
"Nice to meet you,Elvis. Apache? They're the sworn enemy of my people.." He said with a serious face.
I giggled as dad forced the grip on Elvis' hand to get tighter.
"Oh..did I say Apache?" Elvis asked and dad gave a small nod in response.
"Ohh! I meant. I meant.. Cherokee!" Elvis continued.
"That's even worse.." Dad said in response glaring at Elvis. Elvis had become tense from the glare he was given as dad started chuckling and hitting the boys shoulder.
"Hahaha! Come on let's go!" Dad said.
"Where are we going?" Jesse asked.
"Whale spotting!" I said grabbing his arm in excitement.
I rushed him into the truck as dad started driving.

I let Jesse sit in the front with my dad as I sat in the middle seat behind them. To make it father is a horrible driver.
"You want me to drive?" Jesse asked.
"You can drive?" Dad asked taking his eyes off the road.
"No? Do you?" Jesse asked smiling.
"That's funny..anyway I got a couple surprises for you. This one's from my tribe" Dad said giving him the necklace.
"Crap! Dad stop here. I forgot that Nadine needed me to do something. I'll catch up with you guys at the boat!" I said getting out.
"How are you gonna get there?" Jesse asked.
"I can drive too y'know" I said.

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