Chapter Eleven: Found Willy, Again

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Yesterday we finished our first whale spotting sessions and today we're going again.
I still felt a little insecure about Nadine and Jesse,but yesterday Nadine told me to ignore the feeling.

All of a sudden someone came into my room and started hitting pans and pots together?
"WAKE UP NOVA! WAKE UP!" Dad shouted.
"Holy crap! I was literally awake!" I said squinting my eyes,adjusting to the brightness.
My dad just smiled in response.
Me and Nadine were off for a few hours as dad had some minor issues with the boat.
Jesse and Elvis suddenly walked to the boat as we were leaving.
"Oh hi" Jesse said smiling.
"Hi.." I said smiling.
Me and Nadine soon left to go to the water.

Nadine was looking out for orcas as I was painting some stuff on my small canvas.
I like bringing canvases with me sometimes and today we were going to orca watch for a bit.
"Hey Nadine, is that Jesse?" I asked squinting my eyes looking at the bushes.
"Yeah! I think it is!" She said giving a weird smile.

I was going to approach Jesse as Nadine started walking up to the water.
"Oh wow.." She said.
"What are you looking at?— Oh my god" I said in awe.
There were orcas spy hopping near the shore. I quickly ran to Nadine and looked at the orcas.

All of a sudden I heard a shriek. I looked to my left and saw Jesse slipping to the water.

Me and Nadine hurried to check on Jesse as it seemed that he slid down the huge rock nearby.

Nadine got to Jesse before me.
"Hey what're you doing?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. "Just..sitting in the ocean!" He said awkwardly.
I looked at him weirdly. Jesse is really bad at lying sometimes.

I sighed. "You followed us here..didn't you?" I asked looking at him resting my arm on Nadine's shoulder.  
"" Jesse said shrugging.
Nadine was walking down the rock when all of a sudden she slipped,bringing me down along with her. "NADINE!" I shouted,slipping down the rock slope. Nadine laughed in response and held out her two hands after she got up.

"Here,let me help you two up!" She said smiling.
She helped the two of us up while laughing silently.
"So what is this place?" Jesse asked picking his sweater from the ground.
"This is my favourite place in the whole world!" Nadine responded.
"Nadine likes to drag me here a lot when we have the time" I said.

There was a moment of silence when all of a sudden the orcas came back.
Me,Nadine and Jesse were now approaching the shoreline to look at them.
"That's the J-Pod" I said happily.
"Yeah I knew that" Jesse responded awkwardly.
"This is their rubbing rocks,I mean orcas come from all over just to rub themselves on the smooth rocks at the bottom of the cove" Nadine said smiling.
"Sometimes if you sit here long enough,one will come here really close!" I said smiling.

Jesse looked at the both of us questioning.
"How close?" He asked.
" least 10 feet?" I responded.
Me,Nadine and Jesse were sitting beside each other near the rocky shoreline.
Jesse started digging through his pockets at took out his harmonica and started playing it.


Nadine looked at me weirdly as she whispered near my ear.
"You still tryna impress Nova?" She asked.
"I-..Just,just watch" I responded.
I continued to play the harmonica.


As Jesse played his harmonica, the orcas started yapping at the sound of it. Nadine looked really surprised at what they were doing.
"Come, I'm gonna show you something!" Jesse said hurriedly.
Me and Nadine both got up as Jesse continued rushing us.

We were running through the forest as Jesse assured us that he knew where he was going.
We arrived near a rocky location.
Jesse sat on the rock and continuously splashed one of his hands in the water.
Nadine looked at him weirdly.
"Don't worry..he knows what he's doing. I think.." I said confused.
"Come on boy!" Jesse said.
I'm assuming he's looking for Willy?

All of a sudden an orca appeared in front of the rock,startling the three of us.
"Woah!" Jesse said.
"Willy where'd you come from?" Jesse asked.
"Oh my gosh.." Nadine said in awe.
I walked closer to Jesse and took a seat beside him.
"Hey scared us.." I said as he silently growled in response.
Jesse started petting his beak and splashing water on him.

  All of a sudden another orca popped out the water.
"Oh wow! Whose this?" Jesse asked Willy.
"This your brother?" He continued as the orca went back into the water.
"Nadine! Come here! It's okay,their friendly" I said smiling.
Nadine started walking to me and Jesse. She then sat down beside me.
"Nadine this is Willy. Willy this is Nadine!" I said introducing the two to each other.
Nadine was in awe at Willy,as she hasn't seen an orca up this close before.
"Oh wow..hi.." She said smiling.
"Pretty cool huh? You can touch him y'know" Jesse said.
Nadine kept denying,but eventually me and Jesse talked her into it because Willy was waiting patiently.

  Nadine put her hand out slowly,but Willy had other plans for us.
Willy splashed us as we all laughed at his antics.
"He spit on us.." I said chuckling.
Then Willy's brother, Little-spot, came back and also spat on us with water.
"Little-Spot what're you doing!" Jesse asked trying to avoid the splashes.
Little-spot continuously spat on us with water as Willy swam away in amusement.

  Then Willy came back again and came closer to Jesse. He used his blowhole to throw Jesses hat up into the air and into the water.
"Willy What's your problem?" Jesse asked as he silently chuckled.
Jesse sighed. "Well..Gotta get it!" Jesse said jumping into the water.
"Guys come in! The waters great!" Jesse said.
"Jesse get a grip this is a killer whale!" Nadine said.
"Plus im not getting my clothes wet" I said smiling.
"Oh come on! He's my friend!" Jesse answered.

  Soon enough Willy picked up Jesse on his back as Nadine looked again in awe.
"Haven't seen him do that since we were like 12.." I said smiling once again.
"Oh my gosh.." Nadine said running up the hill,dragging me along.
Jesse started swimming back to me and Nadine.
"Jesse!" I exclaimed.
"I can't believe he let you do that.." Nadine said.
"I think he likes it" Jesse responded.
"Alright boy see ya!" Jesse said waving.
Me and Nadine also waved in response.

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