Chapter Sixteen : The Black Queen's Move

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Athena had to have a quick outfit change.

Her and Jennie's scheduled meet-up with a few friends to a mini art gallery took a toll later on that late afternoon. Around four, Athena managed to make a quick detour and changed, letting Penny drive all the way to Comfort Soul—the name of the mini-art gallery, where she would meet them. Jennie sounded excited on text, and Athena assumed she really wanted her to come there—saying how much she would love the art there.

And indeed, there she was—wearing some creamy, off shoulder cardigan, a beret, and creamy pants looking like a cute Jennie. "Hey you," the other IT girl greets, flashing her the infamous gummy smile that Athena couldn't help but smile back, giving her a brief hug.

Athena's body ached, they had to drive by a drug store for the pain, Penny complying though she didn't say anything. She was starting to regret dancing with Lisa earlier, and it concerned her how beat her body felt when she wasn't supposed to feel that beat after a not-really-tiring dance session.

"Hey princess," Athena, squeezing Jennie's shoulder making the smaller girl giggle. "Do I smell bad? I sweated earlier," she admitted, letting Jennie smell her—though the girl shook her head.

"You smell like a mysterious coconut."

Athena couldn't help but grin goofily. "It's Versace Noir."

Jennie rolled her eyes at that, though couldn't help but laugh lightly. Their talk was interrupted when someone clears their throat though, Jennie suddenly being pulled out of her mini-cloud nine, grasping Athena's hand with a small tint of pink on her cheeks. "Oh, yeah—right," she let out with a small, embarrassed giggle, glancing at Athena who was already looking at the people in front of her. "Um, Thena—these are. . . ."

Jennie introduced her to the so-called friends. There's Su-min and Jun-kyo who were a hetero couple, Jaybee and Cedric who were siblings from the States as an American-Korean duo. "Hello, I'm Athena," she introduced herself, smiling briefly at the four who made a reaction that made Jennie feel embarrassed.

"Mighty, Athena. You don't have to introduce yourself, god, everyone is pretty much aware of who you are," Sumin teased with a smile, touching her arm briefly. "You're so beautiful in person, I swear the pictures of you online couldn't be justified personally."

"I agree," Junk-kyo gave her a wink, making Athena chuckle.

"Is she single by any chance?" Jaybee asked Jennie, gesturing Athena—who immediately gaped, the couple laughing and Cedric nudging his brother. "If you don't have a man, I would gladly sweep you off your feet, respectfully, of course." he gave Athena a light, teasing smirk, making Jennie nudge him hard. "Ouch Miss Kim!"

"Stop Jay—she's—"

"She has a boyfriend bro, she's GD's girl," Cedric informed Jaybee—and by the way the words GD's girl, gave a sense of realization over Athena, giving her a reminder of what the situation is even more. What reality is. "G-Dragon—god, you guys are the hottest couple in town, everyone's talking about it for months." he bragged, completely aware of how GD and Athena's power conquered everything in the industry on how many levels.

Jennie only looked at Athena at that—she expected the girl to cut in and refute—but Athena didn't.

Athena only smiled.

"Oh fuck, it's a no-no then, no one touches GD's girl," Jaybee groaned, only making the three unaware friends laugh—Jennie only offering a smile. "It's like an unwritten rule. God, how does GD get all the hot girls? Kiko, Joo Yeon, Mizo—"

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