Volume 3 - Chapter 4

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"So... You are planning to expel Horikita...? Right... As if I would believe you.." Kushida says as she rolls her eyes at me..

"Why won't you believe me?"

"How exactly would you frame her huh? Especially at this exam? Ayanokouji-kun?" I simply sighed at her statement. Who said I'll expel her on this exam?

Immediately after I told Kaori my plan, who wasn't happy with it in the slightest.. I head to Kushida.

I might need her for future exams and what is a better deal than expelling Horikita? Of course, that is under the impression that she'll be useless. But if she proved herself useful, I'll stop Kushida instead.

Why Kushida might you ask?

It might not be at this point in time but she can easily break her class down. She'll eventually get ahold of her Classmate's secrets and she can destroy her class with just a few words. That's how she's useful.

So if ever I find an exam that needs cooperation and that can expel students, I can take it as an opportunity to not only bring a Class down but also remove a pillar in their class.

As of this moment, I might not like to admit it but Horikita is one of the most useful pillars in Class E. She might not have the potential to destroy Class B nor A but she can destroy C and D. I can't let her do that... I want to do it myself. To bring the leaders down.

Anyways, off with that topic, I and Kushida were on a spot far away from our respective classes in order to avoid the both of us being figured out. Who knows what'll happen if that occurs?

"Who said I'll expel her right now? My aim is to destroy Class E as it is the weakest right now.. Admit it or not but Horikita is the one that keeps Class E as it is with her plans and stuff... If the Class trusts her more, it'll be easier to break it."

"You speak so passionately about destroying my class don't you, you bastard?! I would love that and all but what would happen to me huh?!" Of course, it was a normal response.

Kushida Kikyou is a selfish human.. She would always think of herself first rather than others. That's why I knew how I could get her to cooperate.

"I'll bring you to Class B... And by Class B, I mean my class, not Ichinose's class." I explained. I saw Kushida's eyes turn into saucers, and I honestly couldn't blame her at all..

"W-what?! Why?! And also--- wouldn't your classmates naturally reject me?! I don't fit in there?!"

"Kushida... Let me tell you something about our class... What unites our Class the best isn't our brains, nor our athleticism and friendship... It's something else..." Kushida's look of surprise didn't disappear but I can slightly see her face turn into wonder.. 

"Class B is united by our own secrets... We trust each other because we hide something big from each other. So big that you can't even tell your family if they don't know.. I knew that because everyone in our class has big trust issues when it comes to others... That is the same to you and me.. That is what makes Class B." Of course-- that was nothing but a lie..

Sure, they all have secrets, but I am pretty sure not all of them have that super big secret like Mine and Kushida. 

I had to think of this way before I even met Kushida here so I have something to say that she can relate to in a way.

And what is the best then to relate her to others with a secret?

"I- I see... With Class B..., My guarantee of reaching Class A by the end of the 3rd year would skyrocket... Alright... I'll agree to work with you, Ayanokouji-kun.. Just make sure to--"

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