The Mall Rats

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-Y/N's Pov-

"Come on. It's the ice cream shop over here." I pulled Dustin through the mall

"But did he get the job?" Dustin asked for the millionth time

"I already told you, find out for yourself. Now you go in there, I'm going to get us sodas." I pushed Dustin into the ice cream parlor with a sign above that reads 'Scoops Ahoy'

After a few minutes I walked into Dustin and Steve going their handshake

"Alright, weirdos. Enough light saber wars" I said handing Dustin a cup

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin looked at Steve

Steve looked at Dustin as his huge smile dropped. He pointed at Robin with a tight smile

"Oh! Robin I got you a cola." I handed her a can of soda

"That's why your my favorite. How much was it?" She leaned over the counter as she talked

"A dollar. But don't worry about it, I make hella money from helping around the house." I smiled

Steve handed me an ice cream cone and Dustin a sundae, then he lead us to a booth


"You think Y/N is hotter than Phoebe Cates?" Steve asked Dustin in Disbelief

"Mm-hmm" Dustin hummed as he ate his ice cream

"Stop telling people that." I said crossing my arms "Talk about stuff you did at camp, with Richie and Eddie."

"Richie and Eddie?" Steve repeated me

"Yeah, my new friends from camp. Richie is an idiot, Eddie forced him to go. They're cool." Dustin explained

"And you didn't pay them?" Steve raised an eyebrow

"Why does nobody believe me!?" Dustin whined

"Cause they're stupid" I mumbled

"Steve, Y/N told me that kissing is better without teeth." Dustin looked at me then to Steve

"I never said that!" I leaned across the table in an attempt to smack his hat off his head but he leaned back

"No comment." Steve sighed

"Do you really get to eat as much of this as you want?" Dustin looked down at his ice cream

"Yeah. I mean, sure. It's not really a good idea for me, though. I gotta keep in shape for the ladies." Steve leaned back in his seat

"Yeah, and hows that working out for you?" Robin asked from the front counter

"Ignore her." Steve looked at Dustin

"She seems cool." Dustin said

"She is." I replied

"She's not. So, where are the other knuckleheads?" Steve changed the subject

"They ditched us yesterday" Dustin looked over at Steve

"No." Steve said in disbelief

"My first day back." Dustin raised his voice a bit

"Can you believe that shit?" I asked laying my head on the table

"Whoa. Seriously?" Steve asked

"I swear to god. Mm. They're gonna regret it, though, big time, when they don't get to share mine an Y/N's glory" Dustin looked across the table at me

"Do not phrase it like that." I picked my head up to look at him

"Glory? What glory?" Steve asked

Dustin scooted over in his seat and whispered to Steve

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