I didn't run away this time

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We all sit in the stolen RV in silence, we grip our weapons and stare into nothingness. We're ready for battle, and I feel Vecan is too. I watched as the RV stopped and Lucas, Erica, and Max get out. "I'm scared." I whispered to Dustin. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it "It's gonna be ok."
"Dust, he's after my family. He's after me and Nance. Whatever happens, we have to kill this motherfucker." Dustin didn't say anything. Soon after I fell asleep.


I woke up after I heard my name "Eddie, Y/N, and I draw the bats away." Dustin said

"Four?" Nancy stood at the front of the RV with her arms crossed

"We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and flambé" Robin shook a glads bottle full of gas that has a rag shoved into the top of it.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

We all agreed and stood up. We ran to Eddie's trailer and watched Steve get ready to climb through the gate.

"Be careful." Dustin said as he walked through the door

"Thanks, buddy." Steve grabbed onto the makeshift rope and pulled on it "Here goes nothing." Then he climbed it. He did some wacky trick and I heard Robin mumble something.

We watched as he pulled the mattress over "Alright. Let's go."

Nancy went through, then Eddie, Robin, then me, and last was Dustin. We all walked out the trailer and me and Dustin were shocked. This was our first time in the upside-down, I never would've imagined it like this. I thought it would be scarier.

Suddenly Steve turned around "Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the bats attention. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We've got Vecna. Don't try to be cute or a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just--"

"Decoys." The three of us spoke in unison

"Don't worry. you can be the hero, Steve." Dustin smiled a bit

"Absolutely. I mean look at us. We are not heros." Eddie smirked

"Aye, decoys are important though. Don't forget about us, man." I smiled at Steve as I wrapped my arm around Dustin's shoulders "Go save the world, Stevie boy."

Steve turned around and started walking away.

"Hey Steve. Make him pay." Eddie said as Steve turned back to us. He nodded and then the group walked away.


After we made sure everything was good to go we climbed onto the roof and waited for Eddie to start playing.

"You geeks ready for this?" Eddie shouted as he put his hands on his guitar

"Play the damn song Eddie!" I shouted

He muttered something as he ripped his necklace off and started playing master of puppets. After a few minutes me and Dusin watched as a huge swarm of bats flew towards us. "This might be our last chance to have fun." I smiled and started jumping around as if I was at a real concert. I saw Dustin smiling as he watched me and the bats. Suddenly his face dropped "EDDIE! WE GOTTA LOCK DOWN IN T-MINUS 30 SECONDS!" I stopped and looked at the swarm heading for us. Fuck.

"T-minus 20!"

"T-minus 10!"


We all rushed down and go into the trailer, we were yelling and cursing at each other.

"Dude. Most metal ever!" Dustin shouted between breathes. I laughed as I leaned onto the door. I watched as they jumped around and screamed.

After a few minutes bats started banging on the roof.

"Fuck!" I shouted as we all grabbed our weapons and stood in the middle of the room, back to back. We all looked at and air vent on the ceiling

"They can't get in through there can they?" Dustin asked. Before Eddie could answer a bats head came through it. I watched the boys stab at it with spears while yelling "die!" Over and over again

"Guys! Abort!" I shouted as I ran for the rope. Me and Dustin climbed it quickly and watched as Eddie struggled to. We started hollering for him to come through. He jumped off and cut the sheets in half.

"EDDIE?" Dustin shouted as I caught the sheets

"FUCK! Dustin grab a chair!!" I shouted. He did as I said and I climbed through. I fell directly on my ankle. "Dammit! Dust, come on!" He climbed through and tried to bring me with him out the door. "Dust go, save Eddie."

I watched as he ran out the door screaming for Eddie. I slowly pulled myself up off the ground and limped towards the door. I watched as bats swarmed around Eddie making it impossible to see him. "Eddie!" Dustin shouted as he began to cry. I limped towards Dustin as the swarm dyed down. I began to cry as I saw Eddie laying on the ground, blood covering his sides and dripping out his mouth. Dustin ran over to him as the bats cleared away. I could hear them talking but I couldn't make out the words. I limped over as fast as I could. I fell down to my knees next to Dustin and Eddie looked at me. 

"H-hey y/n/n. It's my year." his words were broken. "I love you guys." he choked and then went completely still.

"Eddie?" I put my hands on his arm

"Eddie!" Dustin sobbed.

He's gone.

I wrapped my arms around Dustin as he cried. We sat and cried together. I suddenly felt as if a weight was taken off my back, vecna was hurt. I ignored it and sat with Dustin until the group came back to get us.


-this chappy probably sucks ass like fr bc I cried while making it. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. School has been rough and I'm going through a lot at home. I hope you guys can forgive me :)-

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