1. haunted souls

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chapter one ; haunted souls
[ season three - episode four]

chapter one ; haunted souls[ season three - episode four]

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𝐆𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐒𝐎𝐍 kept her eyes on the flickering hospital sign as she walked in through the main entrance. The heels of her black knee-high boots clicked against the tile floor as she strutted with feigned confidence. Her leather jacket was zipped up, wrapped tightly around her slim figure, concealing her from the chill of a cold September. At least she blamed the coming of the winter months for the raised hairs on her body, she would rather lie to herself than admit this place still had a hold over her.

She could vividly recall her last visit here, the worst night of her life, she knew it as. That was a long time ago, but this place still brought back every bad memory and feeling she experienced back then. She hated hospitals even before then. She hated death, blood, and gore. Which was ironic, considering the life she now led.

The hope that one day she would adjust to it had always been there, she was around it a hell of a lot, she had been for a long time, but some things never changed. Like this town. It looked the same as it did the night she had left, the night she declared to never return. And yet, here she was.

She wasn't sure how long it would last. Their little vacation here nor the feeling inside of her. Deucalion couldn't quite put a timescale on Derek's endurance for pain, emotionally or physically. He was a man with a great breadth of knowledge, but not enough to know just how strong Derek Hale was. He could handle the latter himself, along with help from his werewolf protegees, but none of them had a grip on the emotional aspect like she did or at least had at one point in her life. That was why she was here, to manipulate him the way they couldn't, to pull on his heart strings and remind him of his high school love. All of that was in her supposedly capable hands, though it wasn't her hands she was weary of, it was her heart.

Deucalion had already given her her first mission since their arrival last night, one that was much more physical than she deemed herself qualified for. She was a weak, measly pathetic human, this was a task more suited to the likes of Kali or Ennis, anyone but her and the twins. She had tried to fight it, she argued like she always argued, she refused as she always refused, but ultimately, the story ended the same.

Because she was a measly, twenty-two-year-old human who couldn't fight against Alpha werewolves, she had to do exactly as they asked, or demanded seemed the right word to describe Deucalion's leadership methods.

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