two , finding nemo?

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junkyu continued to go to the staff room as told , but he's obviously annoyed as hell - he sighed before entering the room , as he entered , he saw jihoon and yoshi inside - the two notices junkyu's annoyed face.

"sup kyu? first thing we both saw you , you're annoyed already?" yoshi jokingly said as he saw junkyu shifted his eyes into yoshi.

"first of all , yes im annoyed. second , please help me find takata mashiho." junkyu said with a pleasing voice , yoshi and jihoon exchanged confused looks.

"why's that? and who's takata mashiho you're talking about? the thing is im 100% sure that he is japanese just by hearing the name." yoshi said and jihoon nodded in agreement.

junkyu took out the crumbled poster in his pockets - he opened it up so the face can be seen.

"this guy , help me find him"

"why?" yoshi said , junkyu sat at one of the chairs , he is now already sitting between the two friends.

"earlier , my ex-boyfriend showed up again. you both know that it's been 4 weeks since i broke up with him , right? then you also both knew that he's still stalking me and keep on asking why we broke up? the thing is he asked if i already had a new boyfriend , and i really want him to leave me alone because its clearly distracting me , now that i cant think of an answer , i found a poster of some random student at the wall and .."

"dont tell me .."

"i said he's my new boyfriend" junkyu said while pointing his fingers into mashiho's poster he's holding.

"yikes" jihoon said , completely speechless about what junkyu just told them.

"you know kyu , thats the most stupidest thing you've ever done! how can you accuse someone that he is your boyfriend and the fact that you dont even know who that person is?!" yoshi said - disappointed but not surprised actually.

"that's not all , he said "introduce him to me." like what?!?! i thought he will finally leave me and let me live my life but thats not what i expected! that's what im worried about." junkyu groaned

"but look at the bright side , he said if i let mashiho introduce to him , then he said he will leave me alone permanently." junkyu added.

"yeah junkyu , but this is still dumb."

"eh. guys , help me find him"



the three friends are at the school office , can you guess what they're doing? they are currently printing mashiho's picture to show every students at the hallway - ofcourse they are only printing 3 copies of them because i mean he is not a missing person lol - well that's the only thing they can think of?

"this is so stupid" junkyu said while waiting for the prints to finish.

"look who's complaining" jihoon said.

"you're stupid" yoshi replied - junkyu lazily tilted his head into yoshi

"gosh, forgive and help me once will you? i cant think of an answer, even if one of you is on my situation , you'll end up accusing someone too"

while yoshi and junkyu were bickering and ofcourse jihoon watching them , the prints were finally done - they got up and walked away.


"do you know what class this guy is?"


"have you seen him?"


several no's were heard , minutes later , the three friends are taking a break , they are now laying at the railings

"is this guy a transferee or what? how come no students knew nor friends with him?" yoshi asked.

junkyu slightly groaned "hsywhehegsgs"

"wait kyu , can you not lie to your ex? i mean tell him that you dont have a new boyfriend , in conclusion tell him that you lied and you're finished" yoshi said

"isn't that embarrassing? why would he lie of having a new boyfriend?" jihoon said

"that is for real embarrassing. my ex will think of me as a loser for doing that" junkyu said as he chuckled

"yeah but , you should've think rationally , tell him to leave you alone , why would you lie of having a new boyfriend on the first place?" jihoon continued

"that's the jihoon i know." yoshi said and chuckled.

"what's up?" newly arrived haruto asked

"explaining it to you later haruto" jihoon said

seconds later, they noticed someone walking to the stairs but the two friends ignored it , but junkyu didn't.

"hey, do you know what class this person is assigned?" junkyu said

ofcourse junkyu went to the guy because he find it strange because he's the only student along with them are the only left - junkyu suspected he must be running late.

the guy is wearing a hoodie with a plain tshirt underneath it with some sweatpants , cant blame him , its no-uniform day anyways.

the guy turned around "what is it?" he said as he put down his earphones

"do you know mashiho?"

the guy stared at junkyu up and down , not judging him, more like examining him.

"yes , he's my friend." the guy simply answered

junkyu sighed in relief , finally .. i guess?

"what class is he assigned in?"

"um , he's on class 12-A, why do you ask?"

junkyu turned around to look into jihoon haruto and yoshi.

"thanks ... your name?"

"kim doyoung"

"can you tell me where is mashiho now?"

"he's at the classroom and the class will almost start. i can just call him after class if you want , do you want to meet him or what?" doyoung simply replied

"i would like to talk to him"

"okay. what's your name?"


"by the way , tell mashiho to meet me up in the rooftop on 11pm and up"

doyoung nodded and proceeds to go upstairs , he stopped and turned around once again as he heard someone calling him.

"excuse me .." jihoon suddenly said

"why? is there more?"

"are you running late?" jihoon asked while staring at him - same goes for junkyu yoshi and haruto.

"no and yes." doyoung simply answered and turned around again

"sorry for that"

"its fine , i'll call mashiho later" doyoung slightly smiled and turned around as he went away

seconds later doyoung walked away , the three friends confusingly stares at jihoon

"sorry for that? jihoon-ah you are too kind" yoshi said

"what do you mean? he's literally running late yet we distracted him , oh wait! who's we? only you junkyu"

"i mean he couldve just ignore me and walked away"

"that's clearly not you want."


what's going on in jihoon's mind?

"why did i even say sorry , its not like i know him or something"


doyoung is in the school hallway , fun fact - he's not running late , well he's almost late. he calmly entered the classroom and sat in his chair , he whispered out to mashiho as he waved because mashiho sat infront of him

mashiho turned around "the class almost started , i thought you're gonna be late again. where have you been?"

"wow hyung its your fault why i showed up almost late , well kind off. i'll explain if the teacher is gone"

minutes later , the teacher finally went out. at the same time , mashiho turned around to face doyoung

"so? and why is it my fault?"

"someone is looking for you , and what i've heard that they haven't heard about you nor friends with you"

"the thing is , im on my way to the classroom , but i was interrupted by those 4 guys looking for you. that one person named junkyu asked me if i know you , and i said im your friend , then he asked if can the two of you meet up , he said he need to talk to you , i dont know the reason and i dont want to ask the reason because im running late and now im almost late , not complaining though."

"just meet junkyu or whatever i dont really know him"

- doyoung.

mashiho left himself with mouth hanging open , trying to understand what doyoung just told him - doyoung noticed it quickly.

"what? don't you know who's junkyu?"

"no , haven't heard from him"

"well. no answer to that hyung."

"where can we meet up? no nevermind-"

"rooftop he said"

"come with me doyoung-ah"


"no im scared what if he'll kill me?"

"why are you like this? fine, lets go."

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