Chapter 16.

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"What so I can't even be in public with you anymore?"

"For the time being, no. Zoe just hear me out. Ellie is nothing more than a public romance, it's not real," The stress in his voice was clearly evident throug the phone but I was still furious. How can he go ahead with this? "- it's just to help us get more publicity. More sales or money or whatever. Jesus!"

"Okay." i pathetically responded.

"okay? is that all you're going to say?" what else did he want? a 'congratulations on your fake relationship with ellie goulding i totally ship you guys'

"yeah. it's not like we're even in a relationship anyway. do what you want." I was beginning to act immature, but in my state on jealousy i really couldn't care less.

"fine, be my girlfriend?" he said casually. As soon as he said them it caused me to almost choke on my double stuffed chocolate muffin topped with marshmallows and sprinkles.

"wow, super romantic. 10/10 for trying" i said, sarcasm laced in my voice.

"So that's a no?"

"That was a 'I don't want to make any stupid decisions yet' not necessarily no. But not yes either."

"I need to go now anyway. Have a nice day" He hung up immediately. did he really take that to heart? i felt bad, i didn't even know he meant it.

I threw my phone on the side of the couch and let flat on my back letting out a sigh.

I was so conflicted, how could i possibly be in a relationship with dougie when i can't go out in public with him for god knows how long? How is that fair? But at the same time being in a relationship with him would be magical, i'd finally be able to feel happy for once. Why would I refuse that?

I was soon broke out of my chain of thoughts when the door bell rang, groaning knowing it would probably be cara because she forgot her key I trudged towards the door not caring if i'm answering it with my hair in the messiest bun ever, no make up, sweat pants and a white v neck t shirt which was about 4 sizes too big.

But when i answered the door no one was stood there.

I looked left and right to see if i could see anyone walking or driving away but there was nothing. In my confusion I looked down and could see a small envelope. I cautiously picked it up, immediately thinking back to the letter i received a short while back. Surely if you were posting a letter, you'd post it through the letter box and not leave it at the door, right?

i opened it and there was a picture. Of me. What?

I quickly shut the door.

It wasn't only of me but of me getting changed, i had only jeans and a bra on. Fuck. I guess it was stupid of me to leave my curtains open but who takes such a perverted picture of someone like that?

It had to be whoever sent the letter. It sent cold shivers down my spine. I felt violated. Disgusting.

I ran over to close the curtains to the front room and sat on the sofa. I grabbed my phone and tried to call cara. No answer.

bitch (Cara xo)

when are you back? i'm really fucking creeped out right now.

I couldn't even bare to look at the picture, I left it faced upside down on the table.

I needed someone right now.


doug x

I'm really sorry for before i guess i was angry.... i'm really scared right now he's back i don't know what to do

I sat drumming my fingers against the back of my phone eagerly waiting for a reply.

dougie: don't worry about it! i'll be over in 10 tell me about it okay baby?

and then I waited.



Mixed Feelings. [dougie poynter]Where stories live. Discover now