Chapter 3

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A few days on from the dougie incident i'd managed to put him to the back of my mind, well sort of anyway he was just playing away at my brain. What did he mean 'next time' is he going to come again? Surely not he certainly doesn't like me and didn't exactly like what was on offer at the restaurant.

I'm currently sat in the bathroom at work after having a mini panic attack, I've suffered from them every since highschool, dreadful highschool.

I paced the room calming myself down when there was a knock on the door

"Zoe? Are you okay now?" It was Maria, she worked here too, she's a sweet girl I wouldn't call her a friend but she was kind was the only one who'd actually communicate with me here. Very pretty girl infact I envied her a lot.

"Uh yeah I'll be out in a minute" I said washing my clammy hands under the cold water tap, I glanced at my face and I looked awful, big bags under my eyes from the nightmares, my dark wavy brown hair sticking out at all angles I looked awful. I sorted my hair out a little, put some concealer on to hide the blemishes, I quickly checked the time and it was 8:09pm, just under two hours and I can go home that was enough to get me through it.

"It's okay" I repeatedly whispered to myself before walking out of the bathroom, to be faced with him. Dougie.

He stood smirking sat at the table close to the window, before I could even walk over to him Maria went to serve him, they were both deep in conversation, dougie occasionally laughed then looked over at me. I felt a surge of jealousy run through me?

I turned round and headed towards the kitchen when Maria tapped my on the shoulder

"Dougie is asking for you" she said with a wink

"Huh? Why me? And why did you wink" I said furrowing my eyebrows, the glancing at dougie who was looking out at the city, the street lights outside beaming onto his face. It was kinda attractive. I was snapped out of my daydream by Maria pinching my arm

"Sorry I'll go over now" I said with a brief smile. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Watch it-oh hello" he said with a smile tugging at his lips

"Why did you want me? I've got two minutes" I said placing my hand on my hip, he bit his lip looking at me up and down before simply stating

"Nothing, just wanted to say hi" he said before giggling then turning away, I just let out a tut and walked off to serve some more food

I was carrying a glass of red wine over to a large man, business man I think around his 40s he was doing some paper work. Me being the idiot I am not looking where I was going tripped over a chair leg spilling the wine all over his suit

I stood up, my mouth wide open no words coming out, he went bright red like angry red. He was about to explode at me, and I'm no doubt doing to get fired

"THIS SUIT COST ME £25,000 YOU SILLY WOMAN" he shouted, pointing his finger in my face

I picked some napkins up and tried to dab his suit but he pushed me away, with force i stumbled back into a table corner and it hurt like a bitch

"I am so sorry sir, I wasn't looking where I was-"

"YOULL PAY FOR THIS ILL MAKE YOU PAY WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" he bellowed, putting all of his paper work into a brief case, I was close to tears embarrassment isn't the word

I saw my boss charging over apologising to everyone, he reached where I was stood and grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me into the stock room slamming the door behind him before shoving me. His face was dangerously close to my face, his hot breath fanning my face, he had hold of my arms pressing his fingers in harder every second

"You have completely embarrassed this restaurant how dare you. You will pay that man every bit back, don't even dare hesitate or there will be consequences" he hissed, then shoving me back into the wall before storming out, consequences? I slowly opened the door to see the whole restaurant staring at me, I looked at the ground, I made my way over to the man he stood there, his arms folded over his chest

"I'll pay you back, every penny just give me some time, please?" I muttered, holding my tears back.

"3 days" he said with a blank expression on his face, what? No my boss won't even pay me for a month how will I even afford food to eat? This can't be happening, my breathing began to pick up, I felt lightheaded like I was going to faint.

The man went to walk out, but someone stopped him

"Wait! I'll pay, you can't do that to her it was an accident" it was dougie? I was speechless, my eyes widened as dougie handed him a cheque, he gestured me to follow me, so I did.

I walked outside and he stood infront of me, the wind outside nearly knocking us over

"Tha...thank you I don't know what to say, why? You didn't have to do that-" before I could ramble on anymore he pulled me into a meaningful hug, we pulled away by the sound of a snap. I looked to my left and saw a pap running off. Great.

"sorry about that, I'll give you a lift home, no buts just let me, and show me directions of course" he said gently tugging my arm, I winced at his actions, and he noticed

"Are you okay?" He said, I just nodded before sitting in the car

He put radio 1 on quietly, before turning to me

"Can you show me your arms" he said quietly, giving me a look of concern. I lifted my sleeves up, my arms were red and bruises were forming from what my boss did what he did. He traced his finger over my arms gently

"It was my boss, he doesn't like me. No one does I probably deserved that and everything that will come to me" I said before looking down picking at my nails.

"You know that's not true" he said shaking his head

"You dont even like me why are you being nice?" I snapped, looking into his eyes

"I don't even know, infact I don't even know why I bothered" he glared at me before starting the engine and driving.


hello sorry for not updating for a few days, i hope that chapter is okay??

let me know what you think thank you :D

also I wonder if I can get to 10 votes on this fanfiction before the next chapter ???? literally just one vote (I may or may not be pushing my luck here) 🙈

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