Chapter 17.

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I'd been waiting precisely 26 minutes for dougie now. Yes, I was counting the minutes.

I was sat on the kitchen stool with my knees brought up to my chest. I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and began to peel when there was two quick knocks on the door. In my relief, I jumped down from the stool and scurried over to the door. I opened it to see a rather flustered Dougie stood there.

He looked so handsome. His famous black skinny jeans, brown chelsea boots and a rather expensive looking shirt with a black blazer over the top.

"Can I uh...come in?" he quietly spoke, breaking out of my trance. I nodded and stepped to the side.

He walked over to the sofa and took a seat, he began to play with the ring on his finger whilst looking at me as if to say 'why are you just stood there'

This is more awkward than I expected.

"would you like some tea? or coffee? or maybe something to eat-" words just kept spilling out of my mouth. Honestly my mind was all over I couldn't even contemplate what I was saying.

"Zoe, calm down. I'll make the drinks okay?" he raised his eyebrow in question, he knew I was really distressed. I just nodded and sat at the same kitchen stool. He got up and walked over to the kitchen. He began opening cupboards, reaching in and waving his arm around in every one. He sighed in annoyance after a good 2 minutes of frantically searching.

"what are you looking for exactly?"

"..the tea bags?" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

At least that got a giggle out of me. He hadn't realised that they're right in front of him. It amused me at how oblivious he was.

"They're in that pot in front of you, y'know the one that says tea on it?" I responded pointing straight at it, he turned around and shook his head.

"Right...I totally saw that."


He grabbed the mugs off the rack, switched the kettle on and put the tea bags in. "How many sugars?"

"Just the one." He nodded in response, after he'd done them he passed one to me and sat on the stool next to me. There was a short silence, I'd sort of gathered he had no idea what to see and to be frankly honest neither did I.

I took a small sip of the tea. He was a fine tea maker.

"Sorry I was late by the way. I had tour practice then I had a meeting and that meeting went on a little longer than expected. Then Danny lost his phone so I helped him look for it-" he rolled his eyes, I nodded letting him know I was still listening. "-Then I came here as fast as I could. So are you going to tell me what's happened?" His voiced had grown soother at this point, as if he wanted to soothe it out of me.

"I uh- I don't even know how to start."

"Is it to do with the letter maybe?" he placed his hand on the small of my back, comforting me in his own way.

I just nodded not looking up at him. God, why did I even drag him here in the first place. Why can't I just go to the police for harassment. Why am I so scared?

".....Is it another letter? Can you show me what it is rather than saying it?" Did I really want to show Dougie that picture? I know dougie would be 100% supportive but-

"It's on the table." He nodded and stood up, retrieving the envelope he sat back down next to me. My heart was beating rapidly out of my chest, I was so scared of what he would think.

"Holy shit. What the hell?" His voice was laced with pure disbelief. It was like he was frozen. "I can't believe this. What sick pervert would do this?" I couldn't even form a sentence to say.

"That's it. I'm calling the police." he pulled out his phone and began dialing.

"Police please. Yes hello I would like to report a case of harassment please. No it's not for me, It's for my friend-" he paused for a moment before looking at me. "They want to talk to you."

I cautiously took the phone off him. "Hi"

"Hello, I'm pc Haywood and you are?"

"Zoe. Zoe Small"

"Zoe would it be okay if i popped round for further inquiries?" Did I really want that today?

"yeah that's okay."

"i'll be round in about an hour if that's okay with you zoe?

"yeah that's okay, thanks"

"Okay goodbye zoe"

"Bye" I mumbled before hanging up and sighing in relief. I don't know what i felt. Safer? Kind of. But violated nonetheless.

Dougie surprisingly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around him and we stood there wrapped up in eachother.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled into my hair.

"Don't apologise."

I unwillingly pulled away. We both just stood looking at eachother and I could tell by the way he was looking at my lips he was going to kiss me.

And he did. His warm, soft lips against mine once again setting off the thousands of butterflies in my stomach. He put his hand on the back of my neck for more support as i titled my head for more access. He pulled away and began peppering kisses down my neck. I felt weak at the knees.

But then I thought of Ellie. And the fact that this can't be a proper relationship.

"Stop." i put both of my hands on his chest and he pulled away.

"Did I do something wrong?" his face was clear with worry.

"I-I have work tomorrow."

"oh. Yeah, uh cool I need to uh-" he gestured towards the door. Damn why do i make everything awkward.

"Bye" I gave him a small smile, he returned it then left.

{ Next day }

Work wasn't great. What a surprise!

My boss had already shouted at me today for 'not being chirpy enough for the customers' what would he like me to do? cartwheels? sing to everyone?

Maria had approached me with a certain glow. "what's got you so happy?" I asked as I cleared up table number 14.

"Me and Adam are seeing eachother" talk about shock. Maria is the quiet/shy type. And adam he was a chef, tall, lanky brown haired nice guy. I guess they're a match made in heaven.

"Congrats! That's so sweet" I gushed. "Tell me more later I've got to-" i noticed that she was more fascinated by something behind me. Her mouth was parted open slightly and her eyes widened.

"Maria are you okay?" her finger subtly pointed towards what took her interest.

I swiftly turned around to see what it was.

And boy was it a shock.

Dougie had entered. With Ellie.


That was long ?? idk if that was good but whatever
i promise it'll be less doomy and gloomy soon it will develope more
that's it !! hope you all have a lovely day, let me know what you think byeee x

Mixed Feelings. [dougie poynter]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن