Chapter 4

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he dropped me off at my apartment, i opened the door and he jumped out the car too, walking over to me and shoving his hands in his jacket pockets standing there awkwardly, i sighed feeling regret of my little outburst with dougie

"look do you want to come in for a cuppa?" i asked, yet again sighing "plus its a getting a little chilly stood out here at 10:30pm" i whispered causing us both to giggle

"sure, thanky you" he said before i opened the door and let us both in. i turned the lamp on to let some light into the room, and he sat down on the sofa awkwardly removing the remote from underneath his butt. i grabbed the remote and turned my plasma tv on randomly leaving it on the channel it remained on before i left for work

i took my coat and shoes off, before turning my kitchen light on and again being clumsy i knocked a glass off the kitchen side causing a loud clatter "oh god" i mumbled under my breath before bending down to pick the shards of glass up, i heard dougie rush into the kitchen

"hey, are you okay? what happ- oh" he said, i could hear him sniggering, i shot him a glare

"well.....could you help me before my hands gets decorated in glass" i said with a sarcastic smile, he bent down next to me brushing some of his hair away from his eyes and carefully picking the glass of the floor. i didnt notice i was admiring dougies features for so long when i felt something prick my hand

"jesus christ" i yelped, yanking my hand back the blood trickled down my hand making me feel nauseous, dougies eyes widened, he stood up and offered to grab my other hand to help me up. i placed my hand in his to feel what felt like tingles. well that was strange. he ran the tap and gently put my hand underneath

"its only small, you're lucky im doing this im very squeamish" he said with a wink, i just rolled my eyes, gritting my teeth trying to stop my screaming from the pain (im a wimp i know)

"oh you are my prince charming!" i exclaimed, putting my pain free hand on my chest pretending to be flattered, he stared at me for around 5 seconds before erupting into laughter causing me to join in

"you're the most clumsiest person i know, im going to call you clutz"

"whatever goldilocks" i said winking, his mouth formed into an 'o' shape and i yet again winked, you know dougie isnt too bad i guess we just got off on the wrong foot i just hope we can stay in touch? what the hell am i thinking why would he want to stay in contact with me?

"seems like ive lost track of time i guess i could come back another time for a cup of tea?" he said putting a plaster on my finger, not taking his eyes from mine

"i'd like that........well maybe, possibly" i said trying to stop myself from grinning

"cool okay ill be off now, bye" he said, giving me a brief hug before shutting the door behind him.

i slumped myself on the couch, before a smile appeared on my face. i think i like him?

i reached over for the remote before seeing a small piece of paper, unfolding it, it read:

'dougie here, my number is ________ text me sometime x'

i added his number into my phone and for the rest of the night i smiled like an idiot

sorry its not very detailed or long it was a quick filler, comment vote give me feedback :D :D

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