Chapter 20.

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I swallowed the last of the unknown alcoholic drink. I was really tipsy now, like as much as I protested against drinking tonight I was pressured by cara. And now I'm sat here in a v neck tight black dress ending mid thigh feeling way too exposed, uncomfortable and tipsy.

I felt a hand on my thigh, I looked and to my left sat olly. Olly? That was his name right?

"You look stunning tonight" yeah i know, you've told me about 5 times already.

"I uh. I I- need to go." I slurred, jumping off the stool and patting my dress down.

"do you have any money to get back?"

I grabbed my clutch and looked in. All that I could find was apartment keys, lipstick, half a chewing gum packet and £4.10.

"I didn't realise i'd spent so much" I half laughed.

"I could give you a drive back?"

"It's okay, I'll like wait for cara" I shrugged. I knew I wouldn't find cara any time soon as she's a wild drunk but I didn't know this guy and I'm pretty sure he's had a drink. I may be slightly drunk but my brain is still functioning.

"We haven't seen her for over an hour now, I'm just dropping you off?" he gave me a small smile

"Okay." I nodded. I felt pretty stupid accepting his ride home and how easily persuaded I came off, I'm just praying he hasn't had too much to drink.

he grabbed my hand, and rather protectively walked me through the crowd of intoxicated people.

Once we left the club, we walked through the cold breeze. We walked in a comfortable silence, his hand still in mine. I wanted to pull away but I felt i'd make it even more awkward.

Finally, when we were in his car he put the radio on. Best song ever was on by one direction and I couldn't help but tap my foot along with the beat, that then turned into humming. I saw him look at me and chuckle. It didn't faze me.

"and we danced all night to the best song ever!" I sang loudly, whilst swaying my head. It ended in me in fits of laughter. I didn't know why though. I'm definitely drunk.

Many minutes later I was back at the apartment. I wobbly opened the apartment door still oddly giggling like a child high off sugar. Well, not high but you know what I mean. That would be so inappropriate. Olly was still following me, i slipped my heels off and ran to the sofa and flopped down on it. He just stood there staring. Why?

"You're so drunk" he stated with a small laugh, I nodded.

"And you're so a little bit less drunk. Not my fault" I smiled before sitting up. I looked up at the clock which read 2:43am. I yawned.

He came and sat next to me, like closely. "Well I could get more drunk here?" Jesus.

"I have a party tomorrow buddy. I need my beauty sleep duh." I nudged him in the ribs. He winced then tutted. He leaned in, and pressed his lips on mine. In shock i shoved him hard. "What was that?!"

He stood up, clearly embarrassed. "Sorry. it was just a kiss" he raised his hands defensively.

"You should go, I'm drunk you're kinda drunk. It would be stupid Olly."

I sighed, he sighed.

"You think I'd take advantage?"

"No. It's just we're both intoxicated, I'm not making that mistake. I'll see you some other time?"

"Okay, see you around." I nodded. He walked out and I shut the door. I immediately unzipped my dress, grabbed my make up wipes and wiped my make up off. I padded my way over to the bathroom, flicking the light on I brushed my teeth and shoved my hair up into a pony tail. I'm so gonna regret tomorrow.

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