Chapter 12

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"It was nothing, I can't even remember it" I lied shrugging my shoulders. I can't tell him. I can't possibly tell him I've never been able to trust a man ever since, he'll think I don't trust him and I never will. I can't tell him how I have nightmares most days if the weeks. Id sound pathetic.

"Please zoe, I know you're probably uncomfortable talking about it but you sounded so scared. I was worried about you. I am worried about you." He attempted to comfort me. I felt safe knowing he cared but I don't want him to feel any sort of sympathy for me. I don't need it.

"Dougie. It was a stupid nightmare. Just drop it, please" I said sharply. Harsher than intended. "Sorry" I sighed looking at dougie. He had a look of sympathy on his face. I shouldn't take it out on him, he only cares for me right?

"Okay." He smiled. "I'm thirsty, do you want to head to a shop?"

"Id love to"


We arrived at small refreshments shop. I don't actually know what sort of shop it was but it sold ice creams, ice lollies, chocolate, slushies, cold drinks everything you could possibly want. It had an open front so you could sit out front in the sun and look at the parks view. It was cute

We walked to the counter with our fingers intertwined.

The woman in her mid twenties, dressed in a blue polo shirt and matching hat (her uniform is very unfortunate)

"Hello! And what would you both like?" She squeaked with a smile plastered across her face. I say squeaked it's the only adjective I could use to describe her voice.

"I'll have the blue slushy please" I returned the smile

"I'll have the red slushy, please" dougie said. Giving me a small smirk.

"Copy cat" I stuck my tongue out at him. He jabbed me in the ribs, playfully of course in return

We went and sat on the circular table, as the blonde lady came over with out slushes.

We thanked her, but as she was about to walk away she stopped and turned around

"Are....are you dougie from mcfly? Who won I'm a celeb?" She gasped. Her yes bulging out of their sockets.

"Uhh, yep that's me" dougie laughed awkwardly

"You wouldn't mind if I got a picture? It's not everyday you meet a celeb" she grinned

"Yeah sure" dougie gave her a small smile as he stood up. She slid her iphone out of her back pocket

"Would you like me to take the picture?" I thought id make myself useful instead of being say here slurping my slush in the background.

"Yes please! You're a life saver!" She grinned. Does she ever not smile? Oh god I sound like a bitch.

I stood a little backwards holding the phone up in an angle that stopped the sun rays ruining the photo.

Dougie pulled a funny face causing me to giggle. I took the picture and handed her phone back. She thanked us and got back to work.

I found it strange she didn't question who I was but thankful she didn't. I don't really know who I am to dougie.

"How was the band meeting?"

"Really exciting actually! You're the first to know but we're forming a supergroup" he grinned

"What? No way! Who with may I ask" I grinned

"Busted! Minus eyebrows anyway.."

"Charlie I'm guessing?" I laughed. He joined in too.

"Yep. It's crazy right! I can't believe it."
He sounded so happy. His smiled radiated everywhere. He could make anyone smile. He just has that vibe.

"Oh my goodness" I almost screamed. "My childhood right there!" I clasped my hand over my mouth.

"I was your childhood" dougie put his hand on his chest and gasped, pretended to be offended.

"And possibly my future" I mumbled. Oh god. Did I just say thy? Way to humiliate yourself in front of dougie poynter.

I saw him smirk. Damn it.

"How's life with your bestfriend?" Dougie asked talking a sip out of his slush

"She's loud, tolerably annoying but she's cool" dougie chuckled

My attention soon turned to the mint choc chip ice cream in the selection counter bit, next to the magazine and newspaper stand.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get that big fat ice cream" I licked my lips, he let out a chuckle and shook his head

I made my way over that and chose a single cone meaning I prevented myself from having anything more than one scoop of ice cream.

I glanced at the magazine and noticed a familiar picture on the front? Was that dougie.......and ellie goulding?

I picked the magazine and flicked to the article about them.

'Poisonous Poynter gets Ellie Goulding as well as the girl as seen here. Dirty Dougie has some explaining to do' what. That's me. It was the picture of us kissing for the first time. Ever swear word under the sun went through my mind.

I was so angry. He's cheating on me?

Well I say that but we're not dating. But Jesus. I was fuming.

I stormed over to him and slammed it down in front of him. He looked confused

"What the hell? Explain." I raised my voice, pointing at the article

"What do you me- oh" his cheeks went bright red

"I can explain it's not what it looks like" he held his hands up

"What does it loon like then? Because from where I'm standing you both look rather cosy" I hissed. Why was I so jealous and angry?

"Seriously there's nothing going on-"

"I'm not stupid dougie" I shook my head cutting him off

"Fucking hell, zoe liste-"

"I knew it was too good to be true" I let in realisation of how stupid I've been "god why have I been such an idiot."

"if you'd let me-" I cut him off again I was so angry and confused. I continued to rant on at him.

"Save it, asshole" I snapped. I turned on my heels to walk off

"She's a PR!" He shouted.

Ayy decided to upload today you're all in for a treat 😉

anyway comment, vote just the usual id be v happy if you do!

5+ votes for next chapter maybe?

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