Chapter 11

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I woke up and expected dougie to be lay next to me when I awoke, but he wasn't.

Yes dougie stayed over last night. Nothing happened between us I just wanted some company.

Memories of the previous night flooded into my mind. The meal. Dougie. The kiss. Wow that kiss. I get butterflies just thinking about it, I wonder if he does too?

Why wasn't he asleep next to me? I remember waking up last night and I was lay in his arms, why isn't he here?

I grabbed a oversized white jumper and shoved it on over my black vest top.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs. I immediately stopped in my tracks when I heard the rattle of pans.

Is someone burgling me? This can't be happening? Where is dougie?

My natural instinct was to grab anything nearest to me. So I grabbed and iron that on the side of the sofa ready for me to iron my work clothes (I leave it there every night to be prepared)

I slowly crept into the kitchen.

"Shit, zoe it's me!" Dougie held his hands up. He looked half amused half scared.

"I thought you was a burglar! I was scared to death, jesus dougie." I placed my hand onto my chest trying to catch my breath. Thank god cara didn't stay last night

"I definitely wouldn't like to be a burglar in your house, one hit with that iron and you'd be knocked out" he chuckled shaking his head.

"Yeah, well I guess it would come in handy if you ever annoyed me" I winked placing it down and strolling over to the kitchen side to see what dougie was making.

I couldn't help but stare at his topless body. The way his jogger hung low on his torso. The way his golden blonde/brown hair was effortlessly bushed off his fave by a bandana. The way his brightly coloured tattoo trailed down his arm. The way the early morning sun beams from the kitchen window reflected off him, showing his muscles much more. They weren't too big his muscles but that didn't stop me from staring.

"Like what you see? he smirked, snapping me out of my daze. I rolled my eyes and looked at the pancakes drizzled in hot syrup on the ceramic plate.

"Is this for me?" I turned to him. Raising my eyebrows at him.

"Nope" this side of his lip twitched like he was about to laugh

My cheeks soon heated up in embarrassment. I grabbed the box to coco pops.

"Zoe I was joking, silly" he said, placing the plate onto the oak table. I also noticed how he had scattered Daisy's across the table. Can this man get any cuter?

"Wow this is beautiful doug, thank you" I smiled, cutting a small slice from the pancake

"Anything for you m'lady" he said in a posh accent

"Thank you, darling" I said also putting on a posh accent. We both ended up laughing.

"Where did you get the Daisy's?"

"I went out about an hour ago, thought it'd be a nice touch" he shrugged

"Oh, you charmer" I smiled at him, tucking into the beautifully made pancakes.

~ 11:15

After 20 minutes of 'arguing' I gave up as dougie insisted he drove me to work

We climbed into his car. I put my seatbelt on and dougie turned radio 1 on.

We arrived sooner than expected and my nerves kicked in. I don't know why, I have worked here for 2 and a half years, but my boss hates me.

"Hey..." He put his finger under my chin, indicating me to look at him "if you have any problems, especially if your boss starts being horrible, ring me. No hesitations. Ill stop the band meeting and come and pick you up as soon as possible, okay?" He started deeply into my eyes. I knew he was deadly serious. I nodded and gave him a small smile. He unexpectedly planted a gentle kiss on my lips. I couldn't help but blush

~ 15:33 ~

My short shift had ended. I had Maria teasing me about dougie. She even called him my boyfriend. Is he even my boyfriend? I don't know. I don't want to ask him, it'll probably put him off. Are we just friends. I wouldn't call it friends with benifits. I wouldn't ever dream of being like that.

Dougies car soon pulled up and I was greeted by that perfect smile. He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms protectively around my waist

"How was your day beautiful?" He whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to arise on my skin.

"Same old, same old" I spoke softly, he just chuckled

We arrived at what looked like a park. It was huge. Which was odd. This isn't near my apartment. "Uhh, dougie? Where are we?" My nervousness was clear in my voice

"A park. It's pretty so I decided we could have a little walk" he shrugged giving me a small smile. Is he always this cute and romantic?

We walked along the path in a comfortable silence. Our fingers laced together. Staring out at the beautiful sunny day.

We sat down at a wooden bench. Two elderly ladies walked passed. They have us a smile. They stopped to speak to us

"Ah, I remember when me and my john were that in love. Such a lovely couple" she smiled and walked off. I smiled back not knowing what to do. I was shocked to say the least.


"Yeah, wow" I said with a giggle.

The words 'in love' played on my mind. Was I in love with him? Is he in love with me?

"I wanted to talk about something" dougie said, looking at me. My panic set in.

"You're making me nervous" i fiddled with my fingers. "What would you like to talk about?" He placed his hand on top of mine.

What could he possibly want to talk about? My mind casted back to the nightmare last night. Involving him.

I silently prayed he wouldn't mention the nightmare.

He took a deep breath in.

"What was the nightmare about last night?"

Isn't dougie a cutie 💃

Have you got any ideas on the nightmares she's having and who it was in the dreams?

That was a long chapter! I hope it was okay? Lemme know in the comments :-)

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