Chapter 7

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I looked at Sadie and she was giggling.
"You two are amazing. Joe always said he would bring you someday." Sadie told me and I gave her a confused look.
"He did?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. He always talked about you. He is really in love with you." Sadie smiled.
"Sadie, I think you got something wrong." I chuckled.
"I am not in a relationship with him." I told her.

"But-. I am so sorry. But he always told us he'd bring his girlfriend." She told me.
"They split up a couple of days ago." I told her quiet.
"Oh no. That's sad. But is he good?" Sadie asked me.
"I guess so. We spent the last days together and he always said I'm fine, you don't need to worry. But I am." I smiled.
"I can imagine. But maybe you talk with him about it." She suggested and I nodded.

"Probably the best. Do you have any make up with you? I cried as I was out with Joe and I might need to have a look at it." I chuckled.
"Of course. Uhm. Here. Just take my bag." She said after she got her purse out of it. I thanked her and went to the bathrooms.

"-.ept it? I did it once and I bet she will do it another time." I heard Joe's voice.
"Hey listen. If I wouldn't have known that you are friends, I would have said you are a couple. Have you seen how she looks as you mate? And it's not just because she hugged you. Of course she will hug you again if you offer it to her. What a stupid question. Have you had a look at yourself?" It was Jamie. I blushed and quickly went into the womens restroom. I just used some mascara and blush. The one she has was so good. I thought, maybe if I use some blush, no one would notice that I blush everytime I heard Joe's voice or had a millisecond eyecontact with him. 

Here where I am standing. In the restroom of a beautiful restauraunt, I, Jillian Collins, realized that I was crushing on this dude like I never was before.

"Hey, you're okay?" I heard behind me and saw Sadie.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." I smiled at her.
"I thought I'd check on you. Not that you have a mental breakdown right now." She gave me a warm smile.
"Thank you so much. But. I am fine. And your blush is amazing." I winked at her and gave Sadie her bag back.
"I have a coop with them. I can send you some. I got twenty or thirty from these at home." Sadie said.
"Really? That would be so cool." I told her and smiled.

"I don't know if you know, but Joseph and Jamie are talking about you." She told me and I nodded.
"Yeah I know. I just got two sentences. But I don't want to be spoilered. Was it bad or good?" I asked Sadie and she started laughing.
"You are so adorable. It was good. No worries." She smiled and gave me a little hug before we went back. 

"Oh hello ladies." I bumped right into Jamie who just got out of the mens restroom.
"I thought you were sitting at the table." Joseph said with a grin, a slightly high pitched voice and his hands on his hips.
"Well, if you boys can gossip, we can do that too." I told Joseph. I saw Jamie gently pulling on Sadie's arm and they both went back.

"It was hard gossip right?" I asked him and he leaned against the wall.
"Yes. Jamie has outspoken the filthy truth about Miss Collins." Joe said.
"He did? What did he say?" I grinned at him. Joe looked at the table and flinched. He let his tounge out and looked again.

"Don't you dare." I told him but it was too late. I didn't even finished the sentence as he started sprinting towards the table like he went insane.
I just walked back and sat back down next to Sadie.

"What was that?" Sadie laughed.
"I asked him what they have gossiped about." I told her so that Joe could hear it. He was sitting diagonally from me next to Jamie. 
"He didn't wanted to tell me." I told Sadie but looked straight into Joe's eyes. Sadie also looked at him, but in that moment he looked away and pretended like nothing happened. I needed to laugh.
"I don't know you Jill but I like you already." Sadie told me and gave me a sidehug.

"Jill. I can't stand that anymore." Jamie sighed. We already ate something and had a few drinks. I was having such a good talk with Sadie and Noah.

"Stand up. And sit down right here. I need to talk to Sadie." He added and I looked at them a bit confused. But I stood up, got my bag and sat down next to Joe. Before that I was sitting on a chair. Now it's the bench. But it was way more comfortable.

"Hi." Joseph said and smiled.
"What's up?" I asked him and I saw that he needed to hold his laugh back already.
"Did you listen to us as we talked?" Joe chuckled and he was blushing, like I never saw anyone blush.

"I heard two scentences. Yes. But I just walked past. But maybe close the door the next time okay?" I winked at him and Joe burried his face in his hands.
"What part did you hear?" He chuckled into his hands.

"Jamie said if he would not have known that you two are friends, that they are a couple and If you offer her a hug she will not decline it. That's it. Nothing more." I told him with a grin. He digged both of his hands through his hair and nodded.
"Okay." He said with a chuckle.
"That's it?" He asked and looked at me with one eye what made me laugh.

"That's it. Nothing more. But Sadie told me as she came into the restroom that you two-."
"Please dont tell me that she told you anything." Joseph fake cried.
"No she did not. But she told me that you two were talking about me. And you are not running away. What did you two talk about?" 

"Absolutley not." Joe said and leaned his back at the backlean.
"Absolutley." I told him and he shook his head.

"Alright come with me." He said and signaled me that I should stand up.
"A walk through the park?" He asked and I chuckled.
"Is it that top secret?" I asked him. I saw Jamie nodding at him and Sadie showed me a thumb. I knew exactly about what they talked, but I wanted to hear it from him.

"So?" I asked and smiled at him.
"Listen-. Do you remember as I asked you something for that friend? The gay couple? Who split up? Today? In the car?" He asked me and I chuckled.
"Yes I do." I told him.

"Well I lied to you. I tried to imagine me with Jamie as a couple. That we split up and I want to date again. You got that?" Joe asked me and needed to laugh, same as me.

"I got that Joe. Go on." I told him.
"Oh. Fuck I feel like a teenager at the moment, who saw a beautiful woman for the first time." Joe chuckled what made me blush a lot. 

"Would you go on a date with that Joseph guy? Because he really likes you." Joe then said and I needed to grin. But it didn't lasted long.

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