Chapter 19

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"Joe?" I whispered and got a deep gruble as a respond.
"We are landing in a couple of minutes." 
"Really?" He whispered and I nodded.
"Did you got some more sleep?" Joe looked at me and let his hand run over my head.
"A little." 
"Good." He gave me a warm smile.
"I am a bit scared about the landings. I don't know why." I chuckled.
"Then come here." He smiled and pulled me a bit closer.
"I'll just distract you. You don't even feel that we landed." He told me.
"How are you gonna do that?" I chuckled.

"I see something, that you can't see. And that's blue. Guess what it is." Joe said and smiled at me.
"You are so cute." I chuckled.
"The sky?" I asked and he shook his head.
"The doorknob?"
"Here is litteraly nothing blue Joe." I chuckled.
"Yes there is. Have a closer look." Joe told me.
"Your jeans." I asked and he still shook his head.

"Let me guess it's your underwear?" I tilted my head and got a confused look.
"What? No. You can see it." He chuckled.
"You are shitting me. There is nothing blue." I told him.
"There is. Look closer." 
"My eyebags?" I asked him and he started laughing.
"Not your eyebags. It's infront of you." 
"Oh. Got it. It's the cap of the waterbottle." I told him and he nodded.
"It is. Your turn." He smiled and pulled me a bit closer.

"It's white." I told him.
"Are you kidding me? We are inside of a plane. Everything here is white." Joe said and I needed to laugh.
"Find the right white thing." 
"The blanket, your shirt, clouds, the whole plane? I don't know babe." He chuckled.
"None of that but it's on you." I told him.

"My shirt, my teeth?"
"Well you weren't wrong with your teeth. It's a bodypart yes." I thought maybe he would guess it more easy. But he just gave me a smirk.
"Joe. Not that white. Behave." I laughed.
"My Eyeballs then?" He asked and I nodded.
"Your eyeballs." I told him and I flinched as everything was shaking for a moment.

"See? Didn't felt anything huh?" Joe told me and I smiled at him.
"Thank you." I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Alright. Let's get our stuff." He sighed and we collected out things and put them into my bag. After we got off the plane we waited for Tom to join us. 
"Had a nice flight?" Tom asked.
"Yes it was good." I told him.
"Alright. We are just waiting for the cab, and then you can sleep a bit." Tom told us and Joe yawned in that time.
"You too of course." Tom gave him a gentle hit against his shoulder and then looked around.
"There it is." Tom said and we went into the car.

"Your luggage will be there in a few hours. So don't miss it." Tom told us.
"When do I need to be ready tomorrow?" I asked Tom and he pulled out a sheet of paper.
"Tomorrow is the shooting for Nike. And that's at about one. So if your are ready at twelve that's fine. I'll pick you up at your room." He told me and I nodded.

We drove to the hotel for about thirty minutes, and then got our keys for the room.
"Oh that looks so amazing." Joe said as we went in.
"It does. I love the view." I told him and looked out of the window.
"Me too. That looks so good." Joe said and then I felt his hands slowly moving over my hip to my belly. He placed his head on my shoulder and sighed.
"What's up?" I asked him.
"Nothing. Just glad that we were able to clear everything up." He told me and I turned in his arms to look at him.

"I was just a bit overwhelmed and I'm sorry what I said to you." I told him and cupped his cheeks into my hands.
"I'm sorry that I got a bit loud." He smiled.
"It's okay." I told him and leaned in for a kiss.
That was the first kiss after the fight and it felt comfortable. And this kiss also showed me that he will take care of me and my issues.

"I'll take a shower okay? I'm feeling sweaty." I chuckled and he nodded.
"Okay." He whispered against my lips and let me go. I checked the bathroom and was lucky to find a little shampoo there. Cause mine was in the luggage.

I started taking my clothes off and turned on the water. I waited a second so that it is warm and then let the water run over my skin.
At the cafe today, back in London at the airport, as Joe showed up, I sweated a lot. I didn't even knew that my body was able to sweat that much. And now it's just good to wash it all off.

I took the robe that was in one of the couters and put it on.
"Joe! Shower is free!" I yelled and he opened the door. I was brushing my wet hair and smiled at him.
"Oh lord it smells amazing in here." He said and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"It does right? It's the hotel's shampoo. It's good." I told him.
"Okay. I see you." I said and went out.
"You don't need to leave when I'm undressing. I don't have a problem with that." Joe chuckled.
"You can do stuff in here. Dry your hair or whatever. I don't care." He said and I smiled.
"Okay." I said.
"But I am finished in here."
"Well then you can go out." He told me.
"I will. Enjoy the shower." I smiled and then went out.

I let myself down on the bed and looked st the ceiling. Was it a mistake that I said yes to him? What if he would abuse me someday? What if he is just kind in the beginning? What if he makes me love him,  and then to abuse the love I have for him?

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