Chapter 12

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I stood up and switched on the lights in the hallways. I had a quick look as my phone buzzed again.

I took a breath before I knocked at the guestrooms door

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I took a breath before I knocked at the guestrooms door.
"Yes." I heard and opened the door. Joe covered his eyes as the lights of the hallway hit his face.
"So bright." He grunted and sighed as I closed the door.

I gave him a smile.
Joe spread his arms and made a grabbing motion towards me what made me chuckled.

"Come here." He told me and I did. I lifted up the blanket and slipped under it. His arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me closer.
He sighed and looked at me.
"What?" I asked him.
"Nothing." He let out a giggle and hugged me.

"Maybe we can sleep now." He said quiet and I nodded. I pulled my leg up, so that it was above his.

"Why couldn't you sleep?"
"My head is a bit messy I guess." I told him.
"And you?"
"The same." He whispered and placed a kiss on my head.

"I'm so, so tired." He whispered.
"Me too."
"Just want to fall asleep. With you in my arms." His voice became unclear and a bit blurry.
"You smell good." Joe told me.
"You smell good aswell." I answered. I let my hand move over his belly, to let my arm rest on it.

"Let's just.-" He started and sighed.
"Let's just get really close and fall asleep." I propped myself up, to move a bit closer.
"Yeah." He whispered and gently caressed my arm. It sounded like he would fall asleep in middle of the sentence.

"Good night." He whispered.
"Good night." I answered and closed my eyes.
After maybe a minute is breathing changed and his arm around me moved down, until it rested on the bed.
It didn't took much longer until I fell asleep aswell.

I woke up from the alarm I set. I shut it off as fast as I could to bot wake Joe up. I sighed and laid back down.
Joe let out a big sigh.
"Morning." He whispered and turned towards me.
"I didn't wanted to wake you up." I whispered back and He opend one eye.
"It's alright."
Joe reached over me to grab my arm, what made me roll over to rest on his chest.

"You look cute. With the little dimples." He whispered and placed his finger on my cheek, where my dimple was.
"Do you want to go on a date with me today?" Joe asked and stretched.
"I would love to, but I actually wanted to meet up with Maisy. I just forgot that." I told him and he nodded.
"It's alright. Then, what about the other day?"
"Yes." I smiled and as he finished stretching, his arms wrapped themself around like a sloth.

"Joe." I chuckled.
"What?" He asked back.
"Nothing. But I don't know if I can go on a date with you if you strangle me." I told him and he loosened his arms.
"But I want to sqeeze you." He sighed and let his head down on my collarbone.
We just laid there and Joe started breathing, the same as last night when he fell asleep.

I didn't wanted to wake him up again. But I needed too because I needed to get up and eat something. Because otherwise he would wake up from my stomach.

"Joe?" I let my hand run over his head and he mumbled something I didn't understood.
"Come on. I need to get up. I make us something to eat." I chuckled and he wrapped his arms around my body.
"A little longer." He whispered.
"But I also need to use the toilet." I told him and he turned his head to look at me.

"You are beautiful." Joe whispered what made me smile.
"There we go." He quietly chuckled.
"I like your smile." He sighed and closed his eyes again.
"I like yours too but that doesn't change my bladder circumstances." I told him and he nodded.
"Alright." Joe whispered and let himself fall down next to me so that I could can get up.

As I went into the bathroom I wasn't able to not grin for myself. I said yes, to go on a date with him. Maybe he needed those two weeks. I don't know. Maybe it wouldn't have changed anything when I said yes two weeks ago.

After I used the toilet, I went into the kitchen and started to make some pancakes. I thought, something warm could be nice in the morning with a good cup of coffee or tea.
So I already boiled some water for tea and mixed the dough.

I heard how dragged steps were getting louder and as I looked into the door, I saw Joe rubbing his eyes.
"Morning." I chuckled.
"Morning." He smiled at me and let himself fall down on one of the chairs.

"Coffee or tea?" I asked him and he tilted his head.
"I don't know. I am still asleep." He sighed and looked at me.
"Tea." Joe told me and I placed a cup infront of him.

I made him my favorite one. Maybe he likes it too.
"Thank you." He said and smiled.
After I finished the pancakes, I got some jam and several syrups and then sat down.

"Enjoy." I told him and he smiled.
"I am not a fan of these stereotypes, that a woman makes breakfast for someone. But I am honest, I could easily get used to this." Joe chuckled and took a pancake.
"I love making breakfast. I make it every morning anyways, and when I'm on my way to jobs, I'll pass by at yours and give you some, okay?" I told him and he just smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" Joe started, after we ate.
"Of course."
"How-. Like you have a good body. But I saw how much you are eating. How?" He asked and I needed to laugh.
"Well, I guess I am a bit blessed from mother nature and I do sports." I told him.
"I am going to the gym today. Do you want to join?" I asked him and took a sip of my tea.

"I mean, I know how these things work okay? But for my role for Eddie, I lost a bit of weight. It's there again. But I don't think I can do much at the moment without my muscles getting sore." He chuckled.
"I'll help you." I smiled and he nodded.

"At five meet up with Maisy. We're having this girls, movie evening. I wanted to go in maybe half an hour." I told him and he nodded.
"I need to go home really quick to get some sports clothes and then I am ready." He told me and I agreed.

We both got ready and I already put on my sports clothes. Everything black today. Black cropped top, black leggings. My shoes, the once I usually wear at the gym were red. So I took them with me and put on some slippers for the car drive.

"That's where I live." Joe sighed as he opened the door to a beautiful apartment.
"Wow. That's really beautiful." I told him and looked a bit around.
"Thanks. But. I need to tidy up a bit." He chuckled and opened a door.

"How long are you usually there?" I head Joe.
"About one and a half hour. Or two. But today we're staying as long as you can." I chuckled and he agreed.

As we arrived at the gym, we did our stuff and Joe drove me me home.

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow right?" Joe asked me and I smiled.
"That would be nice yes." I told him and leaned in for a hug.
"Okay. Greet Maisy. And don't drink too much okay?" Joe told me and I needed to chuckle.

"Of course not." I told him and placed a big kiss on his cheek. He also placed one on mine and then I left the car.

"You're shining like the sun. What is up with you?" Maisy chuckled.
"Well. I might have a date. Tomorrow." I smiled at her.

park walk. | Joseph Quinn [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now