Chapter 25

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Christmas 2024

"Are you ready?" I asked Joe and he nodded.
"It's going to be fine." I told him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"What if not?" He asked me.
"It will. Trust me. And if not. We still have each other and Rosie." I told him what made him laugh.
"Alright come on." Joe said and we sat down in his car after he carried Rosie into the trunk.

"I hope your mum made the same food as last year. That was so good." I told Joe with a grin.
"But it's with eggs." He told me and my grin vanished.
"I will survive it. I will eat eggs." I told him and he just shook his head.
"I warned you." Joe smiled. After ten minutes we parked in the driveway of his parents house. I saw that my parent are already there.
"Okay. Listen. Why wouldn't it go well? My parents and siblings love you." I told him and took his hands.
"I know there are just stupid thought in my head. I know that it will go well." He told me and I nodded.
"Did you got the pictures?" I asked him and he checked in the pocket of his suit and nodded.
"Come here." Joe sighed and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you." I placed a kiss on his cheek and then on his lips.
"I love you too. Now. Come on." I told him and pecked my lips a last time on his.

I already went to the front door and rang the doorbell while Joe was getting Rosie out of the trunk. I was carrying two bags with presents and in one of the bags was a little snack for after the dinner.
"Oh wow Jill. You look gorgeous." Joe's dad said as he opened the door.
"Thank you so much." I chuckled.
"Merry Christmas." I hugged him and then had a look to the car.
"Oh god. She got big." He said and I nodded.
"We're giving her enough treats so that she's growing." I told him and Joe walked up to us. Rosie already ran inside. As Joe was hugging his dad, he left one hand on my back.
"Come inside you two."
After we greeted our families we all sat down and talked.

"When do you want to do it?" I asked Joe.
"After the presents." Joe said and I agreed.
"Can you help me again with the zipper? I should've dressed myself different. Not with a Jumpsuit." I chuckled and Joe needed to laugh as well.
"Of course."
We went into the bathroom and I turned around. But Joe hugged me from the behind and placed his hands on my belly.
"Just imagine it. In a few months." Joe said  what made me blush.
"I you look closer you can actually already see it." He said and straightened the cloth over my belly.
"And I can't wait until you have a bump. You'll look gorgeous with it." He said and placed a kiss in my neck.
"I love you so much." Joe added and I turned to give him a quick kiss.
"Come on. You need to pee." He chuckled and pulled down the zipper. After he left the room I did my business and as I told him that I'm finished he came in again to pull the zipper up.

"Can you eat the eggs? I'll throw up if I eat them." I whispered into Joe's ear what made him chuckle. He nodded and picked the egg pieces off my plate.

After everyone got their presents from each other, Joe cleared his throat. Everyone got quiet. I was nervous. And I was probably sweating.
"Alright. So we both made a little present. Unfortunately it's not delivered yet. I'm sorry for that. But it's something special and we wanted to tell you anyways. Because if we would not. It would be a really bad suprise." Joe chuckled. I took his hand and smiled at him.
"Yeah. Well." He said and started taking out the envelope we prepared for everyone.
"Okay. We decided that my dad will read it out loud for you. So. Would you?" Joe asked and he immediately agreed. I caught a worried look from my mum, but she focused on the reading. I leaned back so that I could rest with my back on his chest. Joe's arms were wrapped around my waist, resting on my belly.

"Okay. Just reading everything out loud?" He asked again and Joe agreed.

"Dear relatives.

Like Joe already told you. Your second present hasn't arrived yet. It will take some time. And while I am reading this, especially my wife is worried because she thinks it's a bad thing. But it is not. Maybe it can be bad. Sometimes everything is bad. If you don't watch out you have no house and no money left. But only if you're really obsessed with buying things.
Let's start from the beginning. The beginning where Joe and Jill met each other. Maisy, Jill's best friend since she was a child, invited her to a dinner with people Jill didn't knew at all. One of them was John, a friend Jill knew since elementary school. But there was another man. Called Joseph. Both of them didn't talked with each other. Only a greeting. Jill was having a very bad time at the moment. She was struggling a lot with her depressions. Therefore she left early. Jill loved park walkes. So she decided, because there was a little park right next to the restaurant, that she should take a little walk. She sat down on the bench and enjoyed the moment.
At the same time Joseph and Maisy were talking. Joseph asked Maisy about Jill. He wanted to get to know her. He thought, that she has something special. Maisy told him that she thinks, that she takes a walk in the park. And So, Joe left. He saw her immediately, sitting on a bench. He asked her if she needs a ride home and she agreed. Maisy had told him that she is having a bad time at the moment. She just broke up with her boyfriend and was just lost. They joked around in the car. About each others careers and as they arrived at Jill's home she offered him a glass of coke. Joe told her that they probably won't see each other again. And that she can talk with him. And she did. Throughout the whole night. But he was right. They haven't seen each other again.
One day, Jill was on a casual walk in the park which was near her apartment. Sitting on a bench and enjoyed the view of the lake. Until someone asked if he could sit down. Joe already recognized Jill. But she didn't. Joe grew a beard, got a bit more muscles and his hair wasn't buzzed anymore. So no wonder she wouldn't know. After a quick talk she knew who he was. Some bad things happend in that time. Joe broke up with his girlfriend, Jill was having another episode and both were a bit messed up. But they continued seeing each other and after two weeks they started dating each other. And like that  it continued for two months. Then, in April 2022 they agreed on calling theirselves a couple. They were loving each other like noone else.
In 2024 Joseph proposed to Jill in the hills of San Francisco. Right after they picked up Rosie. That was only four months ago. But the present Jill and Joe got you will take a little longer. Maybe June or May.
Now while I am reading this, I have no idea what is going on. What if it's another dog? Oh Joe please not. Look at Rosie." His dad laughed and we all had a look at her. She was having fun in the papers from the presents.
"No dog." Joe laughed.
"Okay I'll continue." His dad smiled and looked at the paper again.

"What if it's another dog? Or a cat? But they are ready right? They could easily move in in your houses and serve you as a new family member. Lizzy and Arthur, Nellie and Bryan? You are becoming Aunts and Uncles. Stewart, Thea, Jim and Julie? You are becoming grandparents in half a year. Congratulations." As his father ended the letter and placed it down on the table and everyone was was cheering. I sat up and smiled at Joe.
"What did I told you." I whispered and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"Jill. Come here." I heard my mum and stood up to hug her. Ther nervousness was almost gone. I was just happy and relieved. Happy that I was able to share this moment with my family.


The next chapter will be the last one and I guess it will be a bit longer. :D
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