Chapter 16

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TW: Extreme strong language, Trauma

April 2022

"Are you ready?" I yelled through my appartment.
"Yes. Just, one second!" I head and already opened the front door.
"I'm ready." I looked towards Maisy and nodded. We ran down the stairs and got into my car. We were a bit late, so we needed to hurry. I needed to catch a flight and Maisy would come with me. I just wasn't in the mood for any interactions with cab drivers.

"So, when are we coming back?" She asked me.
"On the 29th. So in five days." I told her and she just nodded.

"How is Joe?" I asked Maisy.
"He's-. He is okay I guess. But. He told me that he want's to talk to you. And understand why, you know?" She told me and I nodded.
"I know." I whispered.
"I mean, a talk can change everything. And it's been two days since you told him. That is nothing. He will get it. And he will respect it." Maisy told me whereupon I nodded. 

I told Joe to leave me alone. We were about to have the, are we in a relationship talk. But I didn't wanted that. I didn't wanted to talk with him about it. Because it would reveal all my insecurites, and all my fears. And I am scared of those fears. Better avoid them as stand infront of them. 

"Quite unfortunate that we're not here the next days huh?" Maisy asked me.
"Don't pull that face on me." I told her.
"You just need to stop, avoiding him baby. How the fuck would he know that you have a problem with intimate things because of your expierience. Tell me how? Have you talked about it? No. Were you suspicius? No. How would he know?" Maisy asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders. 

"What time does the plane take off?" She sighed.
"In two hours. But when we are there we need one hour to get through all the shit. So we maybe have thirty minutes there." I told her.

"Good." She sighed and looked at her phone. This is going to be a beautiful time in L.A. when Maisy will constantly pick on me. 
"Drive a bit slower. Damn." She told me. I didn't even realized that I was driving about 100 in a seventy zone. 

"Can you pick up the phone?" I sighed as I heard mine was ringing.
"It's Tom." She said and I nodded.

"Jillian?" He asked.
"Yes. I know I'm late. I need five more minutes to the airport." I sighed.
"No, It's alright. The flight got rescheduled. You have two hours more." He said.
"Oh. Uhm. Well okay. I see you at the airport okay?" I told him and he agreed. I slowed down a bit more and took a deep breath.

Maisy and I didn't talked that much. As I parked my car at the parking lot, we got our luggage and went inside. Since we had that much time left, we sat down in the café that was inside of it. 
We ordered a coffee and a piece of cake. But still didn't talked that much.

"Jill. I will leave." Maisy said.
"What? But. The tickets are all booked." I said in a disbelieve.
"No." She chuckled.
"Not for the flight. But. Now. I'll be around. I-. I guess you probably need to talk to someone." She said and took my hand.

"What? No. Don't go." I said quiet. 
"I will. But I'm back when you two finished." She said and stood up. 
"With who?" I asked her but as I turned around I saw a very familiar face. 

"Talk, and everything will be fine." She told me and hugged Joe as she arrived him. I ran my hands through my face and hair. I was not good at all. I felt my eyes tearing up. I started shaking. I started sweating and my thoughts didn't helped me with that. 

"Hey." I heard next to me. My shaking got worse.
"Hey, Jill." Joe squatted down next to me and looked into my eyes.
"It's alright. Don't forget to breathe okay?" Joe told me and I nodded. I felt his hand on my shoulder. Just the fact that he was constantly looking at me, made me cry. Not because he was looking at me, because I couldn't look at him.

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